Some terrorists eliminated last night by IDF forces

On Monday night, Israel Defense Forces were conducting a mission in the Samaria-based city of Nablus and were greeted by gunfire from local terrorists. The IDF destroyed an apartment that was used as a bomb-making laboratory for the "Lion's Den" terrorist group. 

Five terrorists were killed in the clashes, including one of the founders of 'Lion’s Den.' A general strike began Tuesday morning in Nablus, and a “day of rage” was announced. Palestinians often declare days of rage which essentially are riots meant to destroy Israeli property. Most of them have been called for by the terrorist group Hamas.

At the same time, shots were fired toward the  IDF Salem outpost. The two terrorists who fired the shots were identified by a Golani Brigade patrol and were shot in response to the attack. In addition, during a disturbance in Kfar Nabi Saleh, a bomb was thrown at IDF soldiers. The soldiers returned fire, and according to the Palestinians, 19-year-old Ketzi Tamimi was killed in the exchange of fire.

According to Palestinian reports, the forces in Nablus surrounded the house of the terrorist Didi Al-Hoch, one of the founders and senior leaders of the Lion’s Den. Al-Hoch was killed in the clashes, and four other members of the terrorist squad were killed with him. 20 Palestinians were also injured in the clashes. No one from the Israeli security forces was injured. This morning, hundreds of Palestinians gathered in front of the Rafidia hospital in Nablus, where the dead were brought.  Despite the dead being known terrorists who were surrounded by guns and explosives, the normal course of action is to portray them as innocent 'students', children, or ordinary citizens caught in a confrontation with the evil Israeli 'occupation' force. Many in the mainstream media go along with the narrative, ignoring the video evidence they themselves captured.

The IDF spokesperson stated that a joint force of the IDF and the Shin Bet raided a hidden apartment in the “Kasbah” (center of town in Arabic) of Nablus last night, which was used as a bomb-making laboratory for key operatives in the "Lion's Den" terrorist organization. Dozens of Palestinians set tires on fire and threw Molotov cocktails at the soldiers in hopes of thwarting their mission.

This is an unusual mission by the IDF, in which soldiers from the Givati Brigade and the Shomron Hatmar took part. The IDF force that arrived at the apartment closed in on it while taking fire from the terrorists until it was blown up. In the apartment, the Lion’s Den was creating explosive devices with which they carried out attacks in the Nablus area and even tried to carry out attacks in central Israel.

In the mission, the IDF demonstrated that it maintains its freedom of movement in the heart of Nablus, highlighting the fact that there are no “safe” homes for terrorists anywhere in Judea and Samaria. The operation also showed the significant intelligence they have on all the various terrorist squads within Nablus making sure to let the militants know there is no place they can hide that will not be found. The Lion’s Den terrorist group is responsible, among other things, for the shooting attack which killed a Givati Brigade soldier. They have also taken credit for numerous attacks on Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria, including the most recent grenade tossing toward the Har Bracha settlement.

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