An IDF graph of today's sorties against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

In an unparalleled military operation, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) launched a devastating and meticulously coordinated air strike today (Sunday) over southern Lebanon, targeting the terror organization Hezbollah. In one of the largest and most ambitious aerial operations to date, 100 fighter jets were deployed in a sweeping sortie that ravaged more than 120 Hezbollah positions, demonstrating Israel’s unwavering commitment to defending its northern borders.

The operation, which lasted approximately one hour, saw precision-guided strikes on key Hezbollah targets. These included the terror group’s southern front geographical units, the notorious Radwan force—Hezbollah’s elite strike unit, an array of missile and rocket launch sites, and vital intelligence headquarters used by the terror group to orchestrate attacks against Israel.

Led by the Northern Command and the Operations Division, and guided by pinpoint intelligence from the IDF's Intelligence Division, the air assault was executed with surgical precision. Each target was carefully selected to maximize the impact on Hezbollah’s command-and-control centers, communication hubs, and its missile-firing capabilities, aiming to cripple the terror group's infrastructure at its core.

This monumental strike is part of an ongoing series of IDF operations aimed at systematically dismantling Hezbollah’s ability to wage war against Israel. By targeting not only the group's offensive capabilities but also its operational nerve centers, the IDF is delivering a clear message: Hezbollah’s reign of terror will not be tolerated, and its military assets will be systematically obliterated.

The timing of the strike is crucial, coinciding with IDF ground forces advancing their maneuvers in the region. The successful coordination between the aerial and ground operations is designed to maximize pressure on Hezbollah, further degrading their ability to organize counterattacks or pose a threat to Israeli civilians.

The scope of this latest strike, involving 100 aircraft in just an hour, reflects Israel's robust military capabilities and the IDF’s readiness to defend its sovereignty at all costs. By targeting over 120 Hezbollah positions, including high-value assets like missile launch sites and command centers, the IAF has deepened the damage to the terror group's infrastructure, moving Israel one step closer to securing peace and stability along its northern border.

Israel’s message to Hezbollah is unmistakable: any aggression will be met with overwhelming and decisive force. The terror group’s rocket and missile arsenals, often aimed at Israeli civilian centers, have been significantly weakened, while its command-and-control networks have been severely disrupted. The ongoing efforts of the IDF to neutralize Hezbollah’s military capabilities are critical in ensuring the safety and security of Israel’s citizens.

As Israel continues its operations, the international community must take note of the gravity of Hezbollah's provocations and the legitimate right of Israel to defend itself against terrorist aggression. The IDF's actions, as demonstrated in this massive air strike, are necessary measures to secure the nation’s borders and protect its people from those who seek to do them harm.

IDF's Resolve Strengthens

In the coming days, further operations are likely, as the IDF’s campaign to neutralize Hezbollah continues. The Israeli military’s resolve is clear: no terror organization will be allowed to threaten Israel’s security. The IAF’s air superiority, combined with the IDF’s ground forces, is demonstrating Israel’s unmatched military precision and the ironclad determination to secure its future.

Israel remains vigilant, prepared, and more than capable of dealing with any threat to its homeland, no matter the size or scope. Hezbollah and its backers have been served a stern reminder: Israel will never be intimidated, and those who seek to harm it will pay a steep price.

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