Outgoing Defense Minister Benny Gantz At Campaign Event (Photo: The Judean)

Defense Minister Gantz held one of his last briefings for reporters and addressed a series of issues on the security agenda, from the Iranian threat to the current situation in Judea and Samaria.

On the Iranian issue, Gantz said: "I predict that Iranian [regime] courage will receive a boost as a result of the ties with Russia and the struggle between the powers. This will have an impact on the entire region."

"The struggle against Iran is seen on all fronts, technology, academia, firepower, space, and of course transfer of weapons to terrorist organizations." In his most significant comments that hinted at what might be to come sooner rather than later, Gantz said, "we have significant successes in the northern arena. Israel has the ability to act in Iran and we are committed to continuing to strengthen that ability."

Speaking more on the subject and possibility of engaging Iran militarily, Gantz said that "we have readiness, development capabilities, and long-term processes that we manage. We need to prepare for the possibility of a military operation against them and we will also need to consider this issue very carefully before implementation. The last time the IDF was at a high level of readiness, I was Chief of Staff. And as it was published back then, it was decided by the prime minister who is expected to take office again- not to attack. I think that in this context Netanyahu will be sound."

Regarding the wave of terrorism in the Judea and Samaria region, Gantz expressed his hope that "we will not see a higher level of violence than we have seen so far that will start from Jerusalem and radiate to Judea, Gaza, and possibly the northern arena as well." However, Gantz defined this scenario as "non-fiction given the reality ".

The Defense Minister also referred to the Palestinian issue in the press briefing and sent a message to Abu Mazen: "I talk with whoever is available for talking and fight whoever is necessary - and this is not contradictory. The steps that the Palestinians are currently taking in the Hague and the United Nations are serious and harm the ability to improve the situation in the region, and do not serve their interests." Gantz was referring to the Palestinian Authority's efforts to have Israeli soldiers and leaders tried in the International Criminal Court while still expecting negotiations and respect from Israeli leaders.

Gantz praised Major General Herzi Halevi, the incoming Chief of Staff: "Herzi will be an excellent Chief of Staff, and I had to choose between excellent and excellent among the candidates I had at my disposal. I know him. Herzi entered many positions wherever he was, he spoke little, and when he left there were results."

Speaking to the effectiveness of the current outgoing Chief of Staff, Aviv Kochavi, the former Chief and current Defense Minister said, "I think we have an excellent current Chief of Staff as well, he made great progress in the army, he was in charge of two operations and you all saw the results.”

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