Major General Aharon Haliva (Photo: INSS)

The head of the Israeli directorate that serves under the Israel Defense Forces, Major General Aharon Haliva yesterday, took part in a security conference and provided a borderline dystopian forecast of the threats posed by Iran to Israel, and to the entire world. 

In a conversation with Major General (Reserves) Tamir Hyman, his predecessor and current director of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Haliva explained his assessments on security issues the Israeli public is blind to. However, what concerns the general most is the fact that both the security forces in the pro-American Western camp and the Americans themselves, who are aware of Iran's progress in the nuclear field and its regional and global subversion, are doing nothing.

In the nuclear field, the general estimated that the Iranian regime is currently anxious for its own survival because of the riots in the streets, and this anxiety, could cause Supreme Leader Khamenei to further push toward nuclear weapons in a short time or to reach the level of uranium enrichment of 90%, the level of enrichment necessary for the production of nuclear weapons.

What is now troubling Haliva is the possibility that the Iranians will enrich a small amount of uranium to 90%, a few dozen grams, no more, and even notify the International Atomic Energy Agency the UN. However, the Americans and the UN, instead of taking firm measures, including the threat of force, will put up with the enrichment to the level of nuclear weapons just as they put up with the enrichment to 60 percent of the uranium, of which Iran has already accumulated several kilograms. 

Haliva in his words hinted that even if Iran were to actively announce their intention of creating nuclear weapons, the Western countries would do nothing.

The general made it clear that based on his and the entire IDF’s estimates, apart from Israel, no one, including the Americans, is currently preparing to do anything to stop Iran's slow crawl toward nuclear power. In this context, he said that Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi's trip to the US this week is critical like no other so that at least the intelligence in Washington and Jerusalem will be the same and allow the Israeli government and the Americans to talk and discuss what to do.

In regards to the new Israeli-Lebanese connection, Haliva pointed out that Iran did not try to dictate to Hezbollah and its leader Nasrallah its position regarding the maritime border and the economic waters of Israel and Lebanon. However, since Nasrallah was ready to go to war with Israel on this matter, Iran accelerated arms shipments to Syria so that Nasrallah would have ammunition if he decided to act forcefully against the agreement between Israel and Lebanon.

General Haliva believes that Hezbollah and Nasrallah are not Iranian emissaries, but full partners in the decisions made in Tehran. Unlike the Shia or Houthi militias in Yemen, Nasrallah is a partner of Khamenei and not his emissary. That is why the Iranians let Nasrallah decide how to act regarding the naval agreement with Israel and were quick to supply him with weapons and missiles, a significant portion of which were destroyed by Israel in various air raids.

At the end of his words, General Haliva was asked about what he forecasts for the future of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.  The general said he expects a continuous conflict in several arenas at the same time in the near future, but this conflict will be of low intensity and will not be an all-out war. In other words, the current situation will remain with the continuation of terrorism in Judea and Samaria along with occasional rockets from Gaza.

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