Major General Ziv at the 'Im Tirtzu' conference in January

The emergency conference for the security of governance and settlement in Israel was held yesterday with the participation of past and present security officials, and others from government and academic circles. 

In the opening speech, Major General (Reserves) Israel Ziv referred to the acute issues facing Israeli society and emphasized: "If in the coming years something substantial and big is not done - the loss of the current path and the demography will within a few years disintegrate the country into a state of national fragmentation, anarchy, which could even lead into a civil war ." Ziv was referring to a war between Jews and Israeli-Arabs, a sentiment echoed by several of the speakers including Acre's mayor, Shimon Lankri.

Major General Ziv further noted that "day-to-day life in large parts of the State of Israel has long since become unsafe, a situation that is getting worse every day under our noses with agricultural terrorism, terrorism on the roads, protection-crime (mafia) that at the end of the day every citizen in the country pays for, the criminal takeover of the economy and local government in a way that is intolerable and harms the personal security of every citizen in Israel."

"In the reality that has been created, state governance is eroding. The State of Israel is converging on areas of demand for real estate and losing the Galilee, the Negev, and entire regions run 'as a state within a state' as sovereign control in Israel is weakening." The recent rise in violent crime in the Galilee amongst the Arab community is often ignored by Israel's leadership. Ziv was warning that it must be addressed or it will inevitably spill over into the entire country.

Ziv, as the leading official at the conference, presented a strategic action plan to deal with the deterioration in the level of governance and the sense of security of the citizens of Israel and added: "The move is in no way a move by Jews against Arabs or a call for sectional exclusion or hatred of the other. We do not see the problem presented as a struggle of Jews against Arabs, there is a national problem and we are putting a solution on the table." 

The ultimate goal of the program is to double the general population in the Galilee and Negev parts is Israel, and relocate about 1,750,000 people in the coming decade. Roughly 750 thousand people to the Negev and about a million people to the Galilee.

The mayor of the city of Be’er Sheva also spoke at the conference and backed Ziv’s plans on how to deal with the emerging issues. "This country has fallen asleep in such a way that it is harming its future. It is endangering its fate. In 2050, 16 million people will live in Israel. About 75% will live in Gush Dan [ Hebrew name for the Tel-Aviv metroplis]."


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