Benjamin Netanyahu & Bezalel Smotrich

Chairman of the “Tsionot Hadatit” (Religious Zionist) party, Knesset Member Bezalel Smotrich, recently spoke of his new coalition agreement with Benjamin Netanyahu. According to Israeli reports, on top of being a rotational Treasury Secretary, he will hold power over the civil duties department within the Secretary of Defense’s office. 

The designated minister, spoke Monday morning with Israeli radio hosts on 103FM about the new budget he will be receiving for managing elements of Judea and Samaria policy. According to him, the Israel Defense Forces, which traditionally is the administrator in charge of Israeli communities in Judea & Samaria and answers to the Minister of Defense, should not manage civilians. "A military system does not really know how to manage civilian systems." 

"All the authority that belonged to the Minister of Defense regarding civilian issues will be transferred to us. This is the logical approach. The Minister of Defense should deal with the security challenges facing the State of Israel," he explained. According to him, the last thing that should interest the Minister of Defense is the civilian aspect of Judea and Samaria.

When asked if he would be in the Ministry of Defense after his rotational term, Smotrich replied: "I prefer not to address it at the moment. It should be remembered that in the last three years, Benny Gantz as Minister of Defense strongly encouraged the Palestinians' rampage and takeover of the open areas, an event with consequences far-reaching. They are suffocating Israeli communities, it's a major security challenge, it's time to sort it out.”

In regards to the upstart, illegal, settlements, Smotrich said: “It's time to help after many, many years, thousands of families, people who serve in the army, take part of the reserves, pay taxes and don't get electricity, water, roads, schools and kindergartens for children as it should be. What I define as equal citizenship reform, slowly the government ministries are finally coming in to take responsibility for Judea and Samaria."

In response to the question of whether he is going to destroy illegal Arab construction in Area C, Smotrich replied: "We must first and foremost stop this takeover. What has been happening in the last three years is leading us to a very dangerous point of no return. This is an event that is partly political, after all, there are countries here that are involved, and it is partly legal under agreements that Israel signed."

Smotrich continued, "all this takeover is illegal in regard to military, internal and international law. Everything will be carried out in coordination with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Even if I were the Minister of Defense, things are done in coordination with the Prime Minister. There is a Cabinet, there is a Government, it is done responsibly, and we understand the sensitivity and complexities. None of us came to cause chaos. I think it's better to talk less and do more."

Finally, he expressed his opinion on recent homophobic and controversial statements by Avi Maoz, who ran with him in the recent elections: "Avi Maoz is a classic example of hypocrisy and irresponsibility.” 

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