Soldier securing Palestinian activist after being harassed in Hebron (Video Screengrab)

Two Givati ​​Brigade fighters who clashed with left-wing protesters in Hebron a few weeks ago may receive a financial grant worth tens of thousands of shekels thanks to a mass mobilization project on behalf of a private association called “Torat Lechima.”

It was reported last month that the soldier who responded to the left-wing protesters who, according to the full video were goading and inciting the soldier in what appears to be a staged event meant to paint the Israel Defense Forces as aggressors, was put into military prison for a week and his expected weekend leaves were taken away for a month. His punishment resulted in political turmoil which is typically shunned in Israel due to the non-political nature of the IDF.

Aviad Gadot, the director of “Torat Lechima” spoke with an Israeli morning talk show and said: "Our organization deals with the Jewish identity of the IDF and the security establishment and the value of victory and the fighting spirit from our understanding that in reality there is a big gap, a very deep politicization process that is reflected in a variety of issues. We are trying to fix it."

Later, he referred to the Givati ​​fighters incident and claimed: "Those soldiers were run over by the military system for purely political reasons when the Chief of Staff is generally removed from the field and sees everything through videos. The soldiers were financially harmed, and one soldier is in the middle of a legal process that he was harmed by - these are the soldiers who represent all of us and stand so that those Arab rioters in Hebron do not slaughter Jews." 

Gadot further emphasized: "The problem is that the left, which is swimming in foreign funds, is not required to compensate soldiers, because very central parts of the system have a certain agenda [against the IDF]. We are outraged by the money issue, but that is exactly the distortion of reality. When we opened the donation, we were not interested in whether the public will donate NIS 3,000 or NIS 30,000. We wanted them to embrace our soldiers, the soldiers of the people of Israel, because of the political oppression that was done to them." 

“The problem here is not the money for the soldiers, but the millions that are poured into funding the anarchists in heavy centers where senior officers sit and feed off the left's agendas. With our few shekels, we simply compensate the soldiers for that."

During the reports of the Givati soldiers incident, the incoming minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, demanded IDF soldiers are treated with respect and given the right to accomplish their tasks.

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