The IDF is experimenting with women in Commando units (Photo: @IDF - Twitter)

The Israel Defense Forces will officially begin trials and basic training of females for commando units. About 130 female military personnel will be assigned to the “Yahalom” commando unit for recruitment during 2023. The first recruitment cycle will take place this coming April and will be the initial trial of the program. Another round of recruitment will take place in November.

Based on the new plan, considered to be extremely progressive in the military world, there will be a specific way females could be targeted for recruitment to commando unit training. After their drafting date, if they are deemed fit for commando service by IDF doctors and psychologists, a process that is currently in place for males, the female soldiers will be sent for a first round of training to examine if they are capable of enduring the physical and mental pressures needed for Israel’s prestigious commandos. 

So far, eleven candidates for the new program have been found suitable, after weighing their physical data and the approval of the medical authorities. In addition, another screening process is expected to take place, during which dozens of more candidates will attempt to meet the medical and psychological requirements needed to be approved for further testing and training. 

According to the IDF, all female candidates for the commando units participating in the trial will be expected to perform just as well as the male commandos, excluding training that is proven to be biologically easier for men. All the candidates who are found suitable will participate. 

In addition to the standard sorting process the IDF is implementing, female soldiers who were dropped from the Israeli Air Force’s world-leading combat pilot course will be eligible for the new trial. Since the air force cadets have already been through enough physical training, they will get to skip the initial steps required from the others trial participants.

The IDF has been reforming many policies in recent years as part of its efforts to integrate the Israeli military fully. Most recently, female soldiers were approved for service in the Armored Corps under the various tank brigades. The chief approved the female tank commanders and soldiers of staff after a 3-year trial period that took place on the Israeli-Egyptian border. 

When the integration process of females and males began in the IDF, it faced some resistance from religious Israelis who briefly petitioned the government on the matter. However, the outrage quickly died down, and the military’s plans generally are perceived as a positive reform by the Israeli public.


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