The 'Special Relationship' Israel has with America is under threat

The news is dire, and yet in Israel's nearly 75-year existence that seemed to be the case often. However, the most recent annual security assessment is different as it identifies several threats already felt by almost every Israeli, and the leading of many threats is something most Israelis never thought could happen.

According to the annual Index and Strategic Assessment published by the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), the special relationship with the United States is in danger, along with the possible violent awakening in Judea and Samaria, and the nuclear threat from Iran. The report also shows that social polarization in Israel is worsening and extremism is increasing combined, these may create serious effects of taking the law into one's own hands and the formation of armed militias, or in other words a civil war.

Led by Prof. Manuel Trachtenberg and Israel Defense Forces Major (retired) Tamir Himan, the institute's researchers presented the annual strategic assessment to the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, at an event held in his office that took on a somber note as the discussion progressed. The INSS report highlighted the leading challenges for the coming year. In 2023, the State of Israel faces three major threats in terms of their importance and strategic severity, with the primary challenge being the preservation of the "special relationship" with the US  and the danger of an immediate uprising in the Palestinian arena.

The institute ranked the danger of damage to the special relationship with the U.S.A. at the top of the list of threats for 2023 since they are the cornerstones of Israel's national security. The report stated that the relations are challenged by intra-American socio-political developments and by the distancing of the Jewish communities there from Israel, among other things In response to the developments in Israel.  Support for Israel in America is on the decline and has been for several years.

Only a few years ago President Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in line with a 1990s Congressional vote, and recognized the Golan Heights as sovereign Israeli territory, but the rise of the progressive movement has changed that. It is more than simply the "anything that Trump did has to be undone" philosophy, in the U.S. Congress the support for Israel, while still significant has something rarely seen before, growing vocal support led by the fringe, but significant super-progressive members of the Democrat party.  

The report states that the administration of Democrat, Joe Biden, is less interested in the Middle East in the shadow of the establishment of a distinctly right-wing government in Israel, while the US administration maintains a liberal agenda, which intensifies the processes of alienation. It should be noted that these processes threaten to erode the U.S.'s traditional support for Israel on all levels, the political, security, and economic sectors, thereby harming Israel's international and regional standing in general and in particular its ability to deal with the main threats to it, led by Iran.

President Herzog said in response to the research presented to him that "the security of the State of Israel is closely related to its national strength. We are in a period of crisis and particularly dangerous internal conflict and must be able to deal with it and contain the deepest differences of opinion, without giving up our belief in ourselves. Bridging the divides, including the political ones, is Perhaps the most important step in maintaining the security, stability, and prosperity of the State of Israel."

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