Islamic Jihad claimed Thaer Aweidat was a member of their militant group

A week and a half have passed since the operation in Jericho in which the terrorists who carried out the shooting attack at the restaurant in the Almog Junction were neutralized by Israel Defense Forces soldiers. According to the Palestinians, the IDF operation killed five terrorists, however, it turns out that one of the terrorists is still alive and is hospitalized in the Israeli Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem. The information has not reached the Palestinians until this past Thursday, in light of their cancellation of security coordination with Israel over Israel's insistence on arresting militants who have attacked or are planning an attack on Israelis.

The bodies of the terrorists who barricaded themselves in a small office prior to the operation were not there when the IDF left the Aqat Jaber refugee camp, so the Palestinians estimated that the five who were there were killed and therefore declared them dead. According to new Palestinian estimates, the bodies of the terrorists are in Israel's hands, and together with them, Thaer Aweidat, who was seriously injured in the operation and has been hospitalized since then, the Palestinian Prisoners' Commission announced today. On the days when the security coordination mechanism is intact, the Israeli Civil Administration updates its colleagues at the Palestinian Civil Affairs Authority on the identities of the victims of the operations and their condition.

In the exchange of fire during the operation in Jericho last week, Hamas operatives Rafat Waal Aweidat and Malek Oni Lafi, who carried out the attack on the restaurant at Almog Junction, were killed. Along with them, Adham Magdi Aweidat and Ibrahim Waal Aweidat, who was also involved in the attack, were killed. The Palestinians estimated that Thaer Aweidat, the Islamic Jihad activist, was also among the dead but as mentioned, a week and a half later it became clear to them that this was not the case.

The operation in Jericho a week and a half ago is considered unusual in light of the fact that Jericho and the entire Jordan Valley are the quietest areas from a security point of view in Judea and Samaria. Jericho, which is located in the south of the Jordan Valley, is deep within Area A of the Palestinian Authority according to the Oslo Accords and is forbidden to Israelis like other cities in what is referred to as the West Bank by the Accords.

However, Israelis can arrange a visit there once a week, in accordance with the approval of the IDF. It is also considered one of the two most important tourist cities in the territories of the Palestinian Authority, and many tourist attractions such as a large casino used to be a huge destination for Israelis seeking a weekend getaway before the ban on Israelis entering Palestinian cities came into effect.

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