Nablus residents attempt to disrupt & distract IDF soldiers in Nablus

Israeli forces entered the old city of Nablus Wednesday morning, where they were focusing on a house where wanted "Lion's Den" operatives have been hiding. The Palestinian Authority reported an exchange of fire between the militant forces and the Israel Defense Forces. The Palestinian Red Crescent announced that close to 20 have been moderately and lightly injured were taken to a hospital as of 10:30 AM IST. (UPDATE: As of 4:00 PM IST, 10 were reportedly killed with over 100 injured in the skirmishes).

In footage spread on social media from Nablus, smoke is seen rising from the Old City area, apparently following the firing of a Matador missile as part of a "pressure cooker" procedure designed to make the residents of the house turn themselves in.

One of the wanted men who is barricaded in the house is Husam Aslim. In a post on Facebook, he wrote that he and his brother were at home, and announced that he would not turn himself in together with his brother. "I am not giving myself up. My brother Janaydi and I are under siege. God will not forgive those who sold us out," he said in the recording he published.

The Nablus operation comes after Israel and the Palestinians reached agreements this week on political issues and within the framework of which the Israeli government will not regulate outposts in Judea and Samaria in coming months, except for the nine that it has already announced it will. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office confirmed the understanding this week and sent a message to the US. However, according to Netanyahu's office, "Israel has not committed to stopping the demolition of illegal [Palestinian] buildings in Area C." The Israeli decision came in exchange for lowering the condemnation proposal against Israel in the UN Security Council earlier this week.

Many consider the government’s promise to not regulate any more outposts a declarative fold on the part of the right-wing government that pledged to promote extensive construction in the settlements. Minister Smotrich even recently said that "we will completely remove the restrictions on construction in the Jewish settlements." 

In addition, after the attacks in Jerusalem, the government pledged to work to expand the settlements as a "response to terrorism." The UN Security Council discussed the training of the illegal outposts and adopted a presidential statement that expressed "deep concern" about Israel's statement but did not mention the Palestinian terrorist attacks. Netanyahu's office strongly criticized the statement, and also criticized the US  which joined the declaration.

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