Israeli security officials and ministers at IDF budget closure (Photo: @IsraeliPM)

After in-depth staff work between the treasury and the Israel Defense Forces, a multi-year plan was agreed upon for the security plan and the IDF within the framework of the state budget. Such a defined budget has not been in place since 2015, due to the constant election cycles that made it difficult to plan a multi-year security budget.

As part of the agreement, issues related to mandatory service, the strengthening, and arming of the Israel Defense Forces, the permanent service model, the salary of permanent personnel, and pensions will all be regulated.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his statement: "This is an important achievement for Israel's security and Israel's economy, a multi-year plan that will strengthen the IDF and ensure stability and strengthening of the Israel Defense Forces. I congratulate the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff, and their teams."

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich also added: "The first task of the Israeli government is to take care of the security of the citizens of Israel and that is what stood before my eyes in the budget discussions with the Ministry of Defense. The multi-year plan is great news for the IDF, the Ministry of Defense, and the State of Israel.

"The plan will enable, God willing, the Israel Defense Forces to maintain the resilience and strength of the State of Israel and to prepare for the various security challenges. I thank the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff, the Director General of the Ministry of Defense and the Head of the Budget Division in the Ministry of Finance, and his deputies for the long, comprehensive, and professional work that led to the closing of this agreement tonight [Wednesday]."

Defense Minister Yoav Galant, who has been busy with all the recent IDF operations against terrorist squads, added: "Congratulations on the conclusion of the multi-year budget that enables the advancement of security in a time of many challenges and risks. The budget will allow the IDF and the Ministry of Defense to prepare for the threats we face and preserve the quality manpower we need. Congratulations to the Chief of Staff and a special thanks to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance for the partnership."

Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi said that "the agreed upon budget will allow the IDF to plan and implement a multi-year plan adapted to the security challenges in the coming years, alongside the ability to maintain quality personnel, with an emphasis on the combat formations and the young new recruits."

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