Video screenshot of protest sign being carried near Dizengoff Center

For the eighth week in a row, tens of thousands of Israelis took to the streets, this time it is estimated that at least a quarter of a million people took part in protests around the country against the proposed judicial reform. From the north down south to Eilat, it is estimated that at least 130,000 demonstrated in over two dozen cities. Meanwhile, the main demonstration on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv saw its largest crowd with estimates ranging from 120,000 on the low end to 180,000 on the high end. It did get disruptive towards the end of the Tel Aviv demonstration as some unruly participants blocked the Ayalon Highway, the major thoroughfare that spans from Jerusalem to just north of Tel Aviv, in both directions. After approximately one hour, all the roads were opened to vehicle traffic.

During attempts by the police to evacuate the protesters, clashes broke out and 21 protesters were arrested. In addition, the police opened an investigation following the slogan "Bibi Cheats" that some protesters wrote on Ayalon.

Tires and wooden pallets were set on fire on the Ayalon heading south near the ‘Halacha’ Interchange which exits around an area known as the ‘old north’ of the city. A police force was deployed to disperse the rioters and make arrests. In addition, a protester who participated in the roadblock on the Ayalon near the ‘Shalom’ Interchange which exits adjacent to Kaplan Street where the main rally was taking place, was arrested after she bit a policewoman.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir said in response to the events on the Ayalon highway: "The illegal rampage of the demonstrators in Tel Aviv, which includes burning tires on Ayalon roads and spraying an address accusing the Prime Minister of Israel of treason, shows that this is a protest by anarchists who are not asking for freedom of speech but freedom of expression….I call on Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz to immediately condemn this anarchist riot and incitement. I instructed the police to act with zero tolerance in the face of violence, incitement, and anarchy. Anarchists must not be allowed to set fire to Tel Aviv."

In addition to the riots in Tel Aviv, more than 130,000 people participated in demonstrations in dozens of protest centers across the country. According to the organizers, 30,000 demonstrated in Haifa, 23,000 in Kfar Saba, and 15,000 in Jerusalem according to the reports from the protest organizers. About 7,000 people demonstrated in Rishon Letzion, 6,000 in Ra'anana, 4,500 in Beer Sheva, and about 2,000 in Ashdod.

The protest events in Tel Aviv opened with a protest march with the participation of thousands of protesters the upscale Dizengoff Square to the main demonstration complex in the city center landmark of the Azrieli Junction. Prime Minister Ehud Barak and former Commissioner Roni Elshich among others spoke to the demonstrators.

The keynote speaker former Prime Minister Ehud Barak opened his speech: "I am excited. I see all of us here - the ‘Declaration of Independence family’, religious, traditional, right-wing people too. Your firm stand in the face of the storm - is amazing. You are the focal point of the preparations that will curb Netanyahu's campaign of destruction, (Chairman, Knesset Law & Constitution Committee Simcha) Rothman and (Justice Minister Yariv) Levin, and restore to all of us freedom and equality, human rights and dignity, the values of the Declaration of Independence, the Israel we love, democracy." He added: "This is the most serious crisis since the establishment of the state.”

“We are here, secular and religious, Jews and Arabs, to defend the Declaration of Independence. Before us is a regime coup, which is the assassination of democracy. This is an attempt to turn Israel into a dictatorship along the lines of Hungary and Poland. And we won't let that happen. we will struggle And we will win!"

"They tell us, why don't we do 'negotiations'? In blatant disdain for the president's address, laws of destruction were enacted here. This is a gun to the head of the Declaration of Independence. And when there is a gun to the head, first of all, it is removed. Only when the legislation is repealed will it be possible to consider dialogue. They are trying to draw symmetry. This is not a conflict between neighbors, this is a fight for everything that is sacred and dear to us."

"We don't have a constitution, but we have the Declaration of Independence. This is the document that determines the fundamental values of the state and society. President (of the Supreme Court Esther) Hayut has already stated that the 'reform' is to crush the legal system and thwart the democratic nature of Israel….We will win because we have no other choice. And because we are on the right side. On the side of truth, on the side of history and we are not afraid Of no one and from nothing. Courage and staying power. Democracy. Democracy. Democracy. Together, until we win," concluded Barak.

At a demonstration in Haifa, in which about 30,000 people participated, one of the Knesset opposition leaders and former Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff, Benny Gantz, spoke and said: "I appeal to Netanyahu - you should strike at the enemies of the state and not at the citizens of the state."

Gantz also said: "We will not leave the country; we will continue to serve it and we will continue to fight for it and we will make sure that it is what is written in the Declaration of Independence and nothing else." Gantz added: "I watched over you for decades and the court watched over me while I watched over you. This coup will harm IDF soldiers, harm the economy, harm Israeli society and we will not let that happen. The State of Israel was established as a Jewish and democratic state, both Jewish and Democratic, not-religious and one and that's where it's going to go and we won't let it happen."

Gantz concluded: "I want to tell you one more thing - this change is merely an advance move for the change of the face of the State of Israel, it is the introduction to democracy in the Netanyahu system, as if democracy, but majority tyranny after the elections, the departure from this balance will harm the State of Israel and we will not allow this to happen under any circumstances.”

The Tel Aviv protest ended as most things in Israel do, with a nationalistic display of unity and love of country by the singing of the National Anthem, Hatikvah.

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