Yossi Dagan (2nd from right) moved his office to Huwara (Photo: Twitter)

After the three shooting attacks that took place last month in Huwara, the head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, moved his office to the center of the village of Huwara Sunday morning. According to him: "If there is no security for my residents, I will sit here. The fabric of the enemy's life will not come before the lives of the citizens."

According to Dagan: "Every day there are attempts to murder the residents of Samaria and other Israeli citizens who travel here on the roads. The Huwara road has become a bloodbath and terrorists in broad daylight are trying to murder residents here. It is an intolerable situation when a person leaves his home and does not know if he will return in the evening. We will not accept this situation, we will not accept the abandonment of our residents here in Samaria and anywhere else, and unfortunately, the lack of change that the government is leading is beginning to feel like abandonment."

"We demand that the government return the security checkpoints that check the vehicles leaving Nablus and not just for a short time near the time of an attack. Collect the weapons, close the stores in Huwara that provide shelter for murderous terrorists, and manufacture (unecessary) traffic jams (that allow terrorists to have easy targets), and launch a military operation against the terrorist Palestinian Authority, Operation Defensive Shield 2.0. We will not spare the blood of the residents," Dagan added.

Together with Dagan, the chairmen of the Israeli communities on the mountains in the Nablus area also arrived. Chairman Yitzhar Golan Abgi said: "The demand for the security of the residents from the security system and the government is the most legitimate thing. We don't want to get into a situation where we again have to tell families that we have lost someone. Small children will rightfully fear being murdered on the way to school and the dentist. We need a large-scale military operation to collect weapons. This is the government we worked very hard for to be elected and we deserve at least the right to live in security."

Knesset Member Zvi Sukkot, from the Religious Zionist party, added: "I came here to strengthen my friend Yossi Dagan, head of the council, in his very just demand and cry to bring security to Samaria. We will not accept a situation where after three serious attacks in Huwara it seems that nothing significant will be done to prevent the next attack. The demand of Yossi Dagan and the residents of Samaria is justified like no other."

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