Promotion for the misguided Memorial Day event

In the shadow of protests across Israel, the fear that harm to the integrity of the upcoming Israeli Memorial Day for fallen soldiers next month is increasing. In fact, some who support the protests against the government are actively calling on politicians to not attend the ceremonies and memorials, and make a big noise about doing so to drum up publicity for the controversial event. The office of MK Limor Son Har-Melech from Otzma Yehudit revealed last Tuesday that the far-left organization "Combatants for Peace" is already working to deepen the rift in the nation in the midst of Memorial Day.

The โ€œCombatants for Peaceโ€ organization holds a highly controversial event every year on Israeli memorial day, which commemorates fallen Palestinian terrorists as well as IDF soldiers. According to MKโ€™s office, in recent days a well-known activist at the head of the organization โ€œSoldiers for Peaceโ€ approached the spokeswoman of MK Son Har-Melech and wanted to cooperate with her. 

According to the proposal from the leftist organization, the MK will come out vocally against the holding of the controversial event honoring the fallen of both sides and will use legislative tools against the activities of the organization. This will give media coverage to both sides and provide personal gain in front of their respective political sides. 

In the office of the Knesset member Son Har-Melech, who is herself the widow of a husband murdered by Palestinian terrorists, decided to publish an appeal to the public to warn against the cynical campaign that the left is trying to rake in at the expense of Memorial Day.

Knesset Member Son Har-Melech attacked the organization's proposal and wrote on her Twitter account, "as someone who buried her husband after a murderous attack, I am still shocked that extreme left activists are willing to make such cynical use of bereaved families for some attention and money. The lowest levels of evil and insensitivity. What were you thinking when you approached me with this offer?"

In another tweet, Elisha Yarad, the spokesman for MK Son Har-Melech, added: "A few days ago, a left-wing activist on behalf of โ€˜Fighters for Peaceโ€™ contacted me and offered a cynical and repulsive proposal: they hold an alternative memorial day ceremony for Jews and Palestinians plus a fundraising campaign around the event. The proposal was for me to be a spokesman for MK Limor Son Har Melech and act against their ceremony. He explained at length how we would gain headlines in the media and promotion and they would earn headlines and money in the organization's campaign."

According to the speaker, "I listened rather shocked to everything he proposed and of course, I did not cooperate with such a cynical and ugly move that both harms the public trust that sent MK Son Har Melech and also hurts the hearts of bereaved families including herself, certainly in days like these when every such campaign only Intensifies the hatred in the nation. This leftist organization is probably only interested in money and for that, they were ready to cooperate with the โ€˜extreme rightโ€™ and hurt bereaved families. The main thing for them is to earn publicity and money." There has been no response from the โ€œFighters for Peaceโ€ organization yet.

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