IDF forces patrolling the streets of Tel Aviv (Source: @NTarnopolsky - Twitter)

Following the directive of Defense Minister Yoav Galant, commando soldiers from various elite Israel Defense Forces units were seen patrolling the streets of Tel Aviv along with Israeli Police officers. At the same time, an exchange of fire broke out Monday morning in one of the refugee camps in Nablus, after the Israeli security forces arrested four wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria. During the operation, an IDF officer and soldier were slightly injured by shrapnel.

The lead IDF spokesman announced Sunday night the reinforcement of the police forces following the security tensions and the recent attacks in which, among others, the sisters Maia and Rina Dee were murdered in the Jordan Valley and the tourist Alessandro Parini was murdered in an attack in Tel Aviv. It should be noted that the commando soldiers patroling Tel Aviv have not graduated their training yet, as fully qualified commando troops have been preoccupied with more urgent security matters.

At the same time, IDF security forces were operating in the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp. The IDF conducted an operation Monday morning in the city of Nablus and arrested a wanted man suspected of involvement in terrorist activity. During the activity, suspects threw explosives and threw stones at the Israeli troops. As the troops left the city, two military vehicles were fired upon, and two IDF soldiers were slightly wounded. According to Palestinian sources, an exchange of fire took place as well in the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp after the IDF surrounded a building as part of an operation to arrest wanted persons.

During the operation, three more wanted persons were arrested in the areas of ​​the Binyamin, Etzion, and Efraim divisions in Judea and Samaria. The forces also confiscated a vehicle in the village of Beit Ur a-Tatta and confiscated weapons in the village of Naama. During an activity in Kfar Beit Omer, a number of suspects threw stones at the operating troops, who responded with non-lethal measures such as tear gas and rubber bullets.

Defense Minister Galant toured northern Samaria Sunday afternoon and said: "If there is a terrorist who thinks that during the holidays he will escape the long capable reach of the IDF, he is wrong." Galant added that he came to northern Samaria "to closely monitor the efforts of the IDF forces in the fight against terrorism. The security forces work morning and night to provide security for the citizens of Israel."

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