Itamar Ben Gvir in B'nei B'rak for a campaign event last year

Controversial far-right lawmaker and firebrand National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir is in the hot seat over the rise in crim in Arab areas, despite his alleged efforts to increase police and security within Arab-Israeli towns.

In the first half of 2023, 111 Israeli-Arabs lost their lives in circumstances related to domestic violence and Arab-on-Arab crime, 2.3 times more than in the same period last year, when there were 47 victims. From the segmentation of the cases carried out by the Abraham Initiatives Association which focuses on Muslim-Jewish partnerships, it appears that since the beginning of the year, most of the victims are 30 years old or younger. In the absolute majority of cases, the victim was killed with a firearm and among the victims are just 7 women.

From the semi-annual report of the association that the number of victims in the first half of 2022 was 47, and in 2021 the number was 52 victims; 64 of the victims were up to the age of 30, of which 6 were aged 0-17. The youngest victims were a one-year-old and a two-year-old, and the oldest was 71. 99 of the victims were shot to death.

The Abraham Initiatives stated that "2023 is a record year of crime and violence in Arab society. All these victims are the result of crime and violence that thrive in a place where the state is not present. The main problem at this time lies in the attitude of the appointed minister, who does not see a mission in protecting the lives of Palestinian civilians Israel, does not put before its eyes the preservation of the rights of the individual and the citizen, and for these and other reasons, suffers from a severe lack of trust on the part of the people whom it is supposed to protect."

According to the association, "the Minister of National Security [Itamar Ben Gvir] is not handling the issue in a serious and professional manner. He is not continuing the positive processes that began last year, is not working to strengthen the police, and has even stopped the legislative package that was prepared as part of the 'safe route' program, which will help law enforcement officials arrest the criminals, instead, he invents populist magic solutions, shirks responsibility and, in an example of lawlessness, marginalizes the actual police when he calls on citizens to carry personal weapons."

"Neither the National Guard, nor administrative arrests, nor the Shin Bet or Knesset will work, but will only weaken the personal security of all citizens in Israel, especially the Arab citizens, whose personal security is already poor to non-existent. He has no plan, he has no ability, he has no desire. The first action the Prime Minister must take is to appoint a professional projector for the subject. Every day that Ben Gvir remains in his position is a day when our personal safety is compromised," the association said.

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