Ministers Itamar Ben Gvir & Bezalel Smotrich (Source: Twitter)

Right-wing activists plan to demonstrate for the first time in front of the home of the two lawmakers they typically support, Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir and the Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, in protest against the administrative orders imposed on three additional Israeli settlers, which raises the number of administrative detainees to a new record not seen even during the Rabin administration. 

Three right-wing activists were arrested Monday morning by the Shin Bet and Special Unit police officers, and so far they have not been brought to court. Two of the detainees were already arrested three weeks ago when the police requested that their detention be extended and the court ordered their release. One of the detainees is an IDF soldier and another is a recently discharged combat soldier. 

"This is the watershed," say officials in the settlement. "There are quite a few people who plan to go against this with all their might, especially on the heads of Ben Gvir and Smotrich. This is the highest number of orders in the history of the State of Israel. Rabin had nine administrative detainees and here we have already reached 12. People feel that the restraint and tool that used to be allowed has been Used sparingly, it became a sweeping use and the end is not in sight."

In recent months, the right-wing tried to put pressure on Defense Minister Yoav Galant, but now it seems that they believe that this is ineffective, so the fire will be directed at the far-right fundamentalists in the government. Ben Gvir, who himself was many times on the other side of the equation and was arrested with little explanation and Smotrich.

The right-wing organization "Honenu" strongly attacked the arrest of the three. Attorney Nati Rom, who represents two of the detainees, said: "A short time after some of the suspects were released by a judge, the Shin Bet and the Supreme Court approached another judge and asked to issue an arrest warrant unilaterally. In the morning we were told that there would be a hearing before a judge as is customary in the criminal procedure, but for many hours we were dragged with unclear answers and the suspicions the detainees were being interrogated for were not exact either.

"Once again, draconian measures against settlers, administrative arrests, it is not at all clear when the Minister of Defense had time to really examine their case. It is sad to see that the entire system is harnessed against them instead of joining hands against the enemies of Israel. These orders for warrantless arrests are intended to provide an answer to terrorists who want to kill our people and destroy our homeland and not to cases Others," Rom added.

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