Merav Michaeli and her mother lighting a Holocaust memorial candle

Knesset member Merav Michaeli, who heads the Labor party, recently posted on social media regarding Knesset member Zvi Succot of the Otzma Yehudit party. In her post, she showcased Succot visiting those injured in the recent confrontations between Israelis and Palestinians in the Benjamin Regional Council. She commented, "The political arm is paying a visit to the military arm. This exemplifies the operation of the organizationโ€”a party with full-fledged terror supporters, all under Netanyahu's coalition."

In retaliation to Michaeli's statement, MK Yitzhak Kreuzer, chairman of the Otzma Yehudit faction and a member of the Committee for the Appointment of Judges, fiercely criticized Michaeli. He remarked, "From Kastner's granddaughter, I wouldn't expect any betterโ€”someone who'd rather back Arab terrorists than trust the Jews' perspective."

Kreuzer's words were a pointed reference to Israel Kastner, Michaeliโ€™s Hungarian-Israeli grandfather, who was a Holocaust survivor. Kastner faced accusations of collaborating with the Nazis during their genocide against Hungarian Jews. An Israeli Court opined on his actions, noting, "The Nazi orchestrators of the extermination allowed Kastner and the Jewish Council in Budapest to rescue their kin and friends. The privileges granted to Kastner, including the permission to let 600 select individuals emigrate, was part of a manipulative psychological warfare employed in the annihilation of the Jews."

The court's document further elaborated, "Kastner was provided an opportunity to save his immediate family and close friends from various regions. Understandably, he accepted gifts from (SS Officer Hermann) Krumey without hesitation. However, in doing so, he metaphorically sold his soul to the devil." Michaeli's lineage, specifically the actions of her grandfather, often resurfaces as a point of contention and criticism against her political stance.

Extending his criticism, the Otzma Yehudit representative, Yitzhak Kruezer, continued: "It's still unfathomable to me how a Knesset member could outright accuse the Jews even before the law enforcement agencies have concluded their investigations to establish the facts of the matter. Since when did we become so judgmental and hasty in our conclusions? If this incident involved Arabs, Michaeli would've been more circumspect and refrained from making premature statements. Her recent comments merely attempt to unduly influence law enforcement authorities."

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