The Israeli police have officially announced the conclusion of their investigation into MK Ayman Odeh. The investigation was initiated following suspicions that Odeh had made statements calling for harm to Israeli citizens in response to the "Beit VeGan" operation in Jenin around two months ago.

A letter dispatched by the commander of the Moriah Police station in Jerusalem to Shammai Glick, who had filed the initial complaint against Odeh, indicated that the decision was one of non-prosecution or investigation discontinuation. The letter noted, "a decision was made to close the case." Remarkably swift, the decision came about just two weeks after the incident in question.

Back in June, during a discussion within the Knesset plenum regarding escalated penalties for those found to be inciting terrorism, Odeh, an outspoken opponent of the proposed legislation, vociferously declared from the podium: "Every action has a reaction. The occupation has a reaction and this is the resistance. Long live, long live the Jenin refugee camp, long live the Palestinian people, long live the just, damn you and your occupation."

Prompted by Odeh's outburst, Knesset Deputy Speaker Nissim Vatori instructed him to step down from the podium, a request Odeh defiantly declined. He responded, "Take me down, but the Palestinian people will continue to fight." Subsequently, Knesset security personnel physically removed him, leading to a confrontation with right-leaning Knesset members, as ushers tried to intervene.

Apart from the police inquiry, an additional complaint against MK Ayman Odeh was lodged with the Israeli Attorney General, and several others were submitted to the ethics committee within the Knesset.

MK Zvi Sukkot responded to Odeh's words, expressing deep concern, and stating, "It is inconceivable that official state institutions would tolerate expressions of support and encouragement for the enemy within the Knesset, especially during times of conflict. Immediate punitive measures and a thorough investigation are essential."

MK Almog Cohen, representing Otzma Yehudit, commented on the complaint, attributing it to "endorsement of terrorism and the portrayal of IDF soldiers, who act within the boundaries of legality and morality, as criminals. Furthermore, Ayman Odeh delivered these words during the funeral of the fallen soldier David Yehuda Yitzchak. Consequently, I have urged the committee chairman to apply the fullest extent of possible sanctions, exhaustively pursuing legal avenues. The Knesset of Israel shall not serve as a platform for such reprehensible and distorted narratives, especially under my supervision."

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