Maariv's poll shows Netanyahu & Gantz's parties tied

In a remarkable political shift on the heels of Benjamin Netanyahu's historic fourth speech in front of a joint session of the United States Congress, the Likud party, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, is witnessing a significant rise in popularity, according to recent polls. Maariv reports that a poll conducted by Lazar Research in cooperation with Panel4All indicates that if elections were held today, both Likud and the National Unity parties would secure an equal number of Knesset seats, positioning them as the largest factions in Israel’s legislative body.

Key Findings from the Poll:

  • Likud and National Unity: Both parties are poised to win 23 Knesset seats, sharing the top spot in the Israeli parliament.
  • Yisrael Beytenu: The party is projected to secure 14 seats, establishing itself as a formidable force in the Knesset.
  • Yesh Atid: Led by former Prime Minister Yair Lapid, the party is expected to garner 12 seats.
  • Shas: The Sephardic-Haredi party is set to claim 10 seats, maintaining its influence among religious voters.
  • Otzma Yehudit: This right-wing party is anticipated to win nine seats.
  • Democrats: Formed by the merger of Meretz and Labor parties, this new entity is projected to secure eight seats.
  • United Torah Judaism: The Ashkenazic-Haredi party is expected to win seven seats.
  • Hadash-Ta'al: The Arab party is projected to gain six seats.
  • Ra'am (United Arab List) and Religious Zionism: Both parties are expected to win four seats each.

Political Blocs Analysis:

  • Current Coalition Parties: Expected to win 53 seats.
  • Center-Left Parties: Projected to secure 57 seats.
  • Arab Parties: Traditionally not joining any coalition, hold the remaining 10 seats.

This poll comes in the wake of heightened domestic support for Netanyahu and his right-wing Likud Party, driven by the ongoing conflict with the Iran-backed Islamic terror group Hamas. Channel 14 recently published a survey by Direct Polls showing Likud receiving 28 mandates if elections were held now, marking one of its best performances since the tragic events of October 7, a massacre considered the most brutal attack on Jews since the Holocaust.

In a hypothetical head-to-head contest for the prime ministerial position, Netanyahu leads his long-time rival, centrist Benny Gantz, by a significant margin. The poll reveals Netanyahu with 48 percent support, the highest in 2024, compared to Gantz's 28 percent. Gantz’s National Unity Party lags far behind, securing only 16 mandates.

Surge in Support:
Netanyahu’s increased support is largely attributed to his firm stance against Hamas and opposition to a Palestinian state, despite pressures from the U.S. and domestic critics. Conservative American-Israeli columnist Caroline Glick notes that the latest polls reflect a national sentiment where "Israelis value victory over every other goal."

Poll Methodology:
The survey, employing a digital system combined with a panel, sampled 779 adults (18+) representing Israel’s general population. The poll boasts a statistical sampling error of ± 4.0 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

Context of the Poll:
The poll results emerge as Israel continues to confront threats from Iranian proxies, including Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and various militias in Iraq and Syria. The geopolitical landscape and security concerns heavily influence the electorate's support, underscoring the importance of a strong, decisive leadership in these turbulent times.

In conclusion, the resurgence of the Likud party signifies a potential shift in Israel's political landscape, reflecting a populace increasingly rallying behind Netanyahu's leadership in the face of external threats and internal challenges. The upcoming elections could herald a new era of political dynamics in Israel, with the Likud party at the forefront.

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