Outgoing UN Ambassador Erdan in his farewell speech (video snippet)

In a grand ceremony held in Manhattan, Israelโ€™s UN delegation and the UJA-Federation of New York honored Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan, marking the end of his impactful four-year tenure. The event was a testament to Erdan's unwavering commitment and tireless defense of Israel on the global stage, drawing hundreds of attendees, including prominent ambassadors, Jewish organizational leaders, New York Mayor Eric Adams, and Rep. Richie Torres (D-NY).

A Beacon of Strength in the Face of Adversity

Throughout his speech, Ambassador Erdan eloquently addressed the persistent challenges he faced at the UN. "Many times, I have been asked how I can come to work every day in a place where there is so much hatred and hypocrisy against Israel," Erdan began, his voice resonating with conviction. "My answer is simple: It is easy to defend Israel because if you know the truth and believe in it, you hold your head up proudly even in the face of continuous criticism and attacks."

Erdan's dedication was palpable as he declared, "I know the good that I representโ€”the most moral country in the world, Israel." His tenure was marked by a relentless effort to highlight the moral and ethical values that underpin Israel's actions on the international stage.

Raising Global Awareness

A former Cabinet minister, Erdan utilized his platform to raise global awareness about the atrocities committed by Hamas against innocent Israelis, particularly emphasizing the horrors of the October 7 massacre. He warned of the existential threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies, who continue to menace Israel from multiple fronts.

"Even today, when Iran openly threatens to โ€˜punishโ€™ Israel, the UN remains silent. Iran interprets the silence of the world and the UN as giving a green light to attack Israel, which is just like the shameful silence of the world when the Nazis decided at the [1942] Wannsee Conference on the genocide of the Jewish people," Erdan stated, drawing a poignant historical parallel.

Tributes to a Stalwart Defender

New York Mayor Eric Adams and Rep. Richie Torres lauded Erdan's unwavering resolve and inspirational leadership. "I thank you for the inspiration you gave me every time we met, every time we stood by each other, and every time we fought together," Adams said, underscoring the deep bond forged through shared struggles.

Torres added, "Gilad, you have been a warrior for your people in the moment of their greatest need. I join everyone here in saluting the legacy you leave behind."

A Legacy of Public Service

Born in Ashkelon, Israel, in 1970, Erdan's distinguished career spans over three decades of dedicated public service. As a member of the Likud Party, he has held several key ministerial roles and collaborated with significant global leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Joe Biden, and former US President Donald Trump.

Championing Israel at the UN

As Israel's UN ambassador, Erdan emerged as a formidable defender of Israelโ€™s foreign policy, challenging numerous attempts to undermine its global standing. His tenure was often marked by confrontations with the UN, a body he criticized for its perceived moral failings.

In 2022, Erdan sharply criticized the UN General Assembly for scheduling a vote on a resolution seeking an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the Palestinian territories, accusing the UN of moral decay for scheduling the vote during Shabbat. "No international body can decide that the Jewish people are โ€˜occupiersโ€™ in their own homeland," he declared.

Standing Firm Against Hamas

In the aftermath of the October 7 massacre, which saw the largest number of Jews killed in a single day since the Holocaust, Erdan demanded the return of 250 hostages kidnapped by Hamas. He vehemently criticized the UN for ignoring the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli women, urging immediate action. "Will you continue your silence and indifference?" Erdan questioned, his voice filled with righteous indignation. "What if these were your daughters, your granddaughters? Would you continue to ignore them, or would you demand immediate action?"

Looking Ahead

As Erdan concludes his tenure, Likud lawmaker and former UN Ambassador Danny Danon is set to succeed him as Israelโ€™s next ambassador to the UN. Erdan's legacy as a proven stalwart defender of Israelโ€™s moral and ethical stance on the global stage will undoubtedly continue to inspire future leaders.

Ambassador Gilad Erdan's tenure at the United Nations was not just a period of service but a profound chapter in the defense of Israel's truth and righteousness on the world stage. His legacy will endure, a beacon of resilience and unwavering commitment to justice.

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