Yair Netanyahu on his radio show (Photo: Video capture)

Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu Monday morning rejected the vitriolic words of his son, Yair Netanyahu, who said yesterday that senior prosecutors and the police "betrayed the country" in light of his father’s ongoing investigations which seem to be stalled after years of no significant revelations being presented. The younger Netanyahu even went so far as to allude to imposing the death penalty on the prosecutors from the Attorney General's office.

"I love my son Yair who is an independent person with his own opinions. Although everyone has the right to express their criticism, I did not agree with the things he said which were published yesterday," Netanyahu tweeted. Prime Minister-elect Netanyahu’s son has become a polarizing political public figure in Israel for his harsh criticism of left-leaning politicians and the “corruption” of the prosecutors battling his father in the Israeli Supreme Court. 

Yair Netanyahu said Monday in his weekly segment on the radio channel “Gali Israel”, that the senior prosecutors and the police betrayed the country, and therefore they should be given "a punishment other than prison". This, according to him, is because they "tried to frame a case on a prime minister elected by the people", thus trying to stage a governmental coup.

Yair said: “Every week, for two years, we discover another criminal offense within the charges brought upon my father, and another criminal offense, allegedly committed by the top officials in the prosecutor's office and the police. Each of these criminal offenses is five years in prison, we have already reached ten thousand years in prison for the criminal offenses they committed."

After that, Netanyahu continued and accused the senior prosecutors of treason. "In the end, there was a malicious coup d'état here. It was not stemmed from fears of real criminal activities by my father, they knew they were killing an innocent man, who happened to be the prime minister elected by the Israeli people," said Yair, adding “that means they are canceling the election of The Israeli people, a democratic choice. It's called treason. And everyone is invited to open the law book of the State of Israel and look at what the punishment is for treason, and it's not prison, I will say that." The crime of treason is punishable by death.

Although capital punishment was only activated once in the state of Israel for Adolf Eichmann, technically speaking those who are charged with treason can face death by hanging. However, Yair Netanyahu was speaking the truth regarding the laws of treason, the Israeli court system has barely charged, let alone convicted anyone of treason. 

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