Amichai Chikli giving his address to the Knesset on December 29, 2022

Diaspora and Social Equality Minister Amichai Chikli spoke Wednesday at the World Betar conference and harshly attacked Yesh Atid chairman and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid amid his constant criticizing of the government since it was established and sworn in.

"What Lapid is doing now as outgoing prime minister is a disturbing irresponsibility," Chikli said, "he does not understand that when he tells the whole world that this is a 'dark' government, the world does not separate the government from the state. The head of the BDS arrow is actually Mr. Yair Lapid.” Mr. Chikli's words were then used by Boycott Divestment & Sanctions advocates to bolster their own arguments for a widespread boycott of Israel.

Regarding Minister Levin's legal plan, Chikli added: "We have gotten used to insanity. A government has arrived that plans on returning to the rule of law. There are now all kinds of letters being published from former pilots, sailors, and so on. They forgot that there is one letter, which over a million citizens sent - it was in the ballot box.”

Former Prime Minister and current Opposition Leader Lapid responded quite differently, as expected, to the new judicial reform. "Like a gang of criminals, the day before the High Court hearing on the Deri law, the government put a loaded gun on the table. What Levin presented today is not a legal reform, it is a threatening letter. They threaten to destroy the entire constitutional structure of the State of Israel.”

The opposition leader has developed a habit of harshly attacking the new government since its inception, when, among other things, most recently he attacked Minister Levin's legal plan. "Not only will we fight in every possible way against each and every one of the measures that Levin announced, but I also announce in advance that we will cancel them The day we return to power. Those who carry out a unilateral coup against the system of the regime in Israel should know that we are not obligated to it in any way whatsoever."

In addition, Lapid earlier in the week joined dozens across the globe in condemning Minister Ben Gvir’s ascent to the Temple Mount and said: "This is what happens when a weak prime minister is forced to entrust the most irresponsible man in the Middle East to The most explosive place in the Middle East."

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