The law imposes Israeli law in Judea & Samaria

The Legislation that ripped the Lapid-Bennett coalition into pieces and effectively led Bennett to exit the political arena due to its reliance on the Arab parties, passed the vote by a large majority in the Knesset Monday afternoon. The new policy allows for Israeli law and order to continue within Judea and Samaria while putting Israelis living within the region under Israeli law and protection.

With the support of the majority of the Knesset, the legal emergency regulations in Judea and Samaria will be extended by five years. 58 Knesset members supported compared the legislation compared to just 13 Knesset members who opposed it, including the Labor party and Hadash-Ta'al.

With the dissolution of the twenty-fourth Knesset, the regulations were extended by three months since the inauguration of the new Knesset. Although the government had an additional month to bring the vote to the Knesset, they decided to advance the vote out of a decision that would be seen as a mirror image of the last proposal that brought down the previous government, after they failed to produce a majority and the opposition, including the Likud, refused to help and support its passage.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin presented the bill: "You can call this law - the law for the dissolution of the 24th Knesset. This is the first government bill that we are bringing and it points to the difference between the government that was here before, and that relied on the support of at least one party that wanted to damage the communities in Judea and Samaria. In this government, things are different, we returned to believing in our right to the entire Land of Israel, and we returned to strengthening the communities. In this government, there is no difficulty in gathering the necessary majority to pass the proposal."

The opposition did not present a unified line with the current vote and showed differences of opinion, with the National Unity party and Yesh Atid voting in favor, and surprisingly this time the Labor Party joined the Arab lists decision to oppose it even though they supported the proposal in the Bennet-Lapid government. 

"These regulations are annexation regulations that are against Zionism. They are the opposite of security, and will allow Smotrich to realize and carry out his nationalistic, messianic, and dangerous plans for a bi-national state," the party argued about the change in position from six months.

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