Aryeh Deri was fired today after a High Court ruling (Screen-grab: i24News)

Following the High Court’s ruling last week that disqualified Aryeh Deri from ministerial roles due to his recent conviction for tax fraud, at the weekly cabinet meeting today (Sunday), Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fired Aryeh Deri from his position as Minister of Health and Interior.

Netanyahu told Deri that he was "forced with a heavy heart, with great sorrow, and with an extremely difficult feeling to transfer you from your position as a minister in the government", and even pledged: "I intend to look for any legal way in which you can continue to contribute to the State of Israel from your experience and your many skills."

During the meeting, Netanyahu read a letter to Deri, in which he wrote: "As you know, I decided to appoint you as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and Health with the approval of the majority of Knesset members, due to the fact that I see you as an anchor of experience, wisdom and responsibility that are important to the State of Israel at all times, and at this time in particular. It is important that you serve the State of Israel as a cabinet member in my government, where you will be able to influence your many years of experience as a cabinet member in the governments of Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin - rich experience that contributes to Israel's security and resilience.”

The letter continued, "[u]nfortunately, the High Court has decided that I have an obligation to remove you from your position as Minister of the Interior and Health. This unfortunate decision ignores the will of the people, as reflected in the great trust that the public gave to the people's representatives and their elected officials in my government when it was clear to everyone that she would serve in the government as a senior minister.”

"I intend to look for any legal way in which you can continue to contribute to the State of Israel from your experience and your many skills, in accordance with the will of the people. However, following the verdict, I must inform you that I am forced with a heavy heart, with great sorrow, and with an extremely difficult feeling, to transfer you from your position as a minister in the government."

After reading the letter, Deri said to Netanyahu: "I hear in your voice the sadness over the court's decision and its consequences. It was clear to both of us that we would abide by the court's decision, there was no doubt about it at any stage. In contrast to those who boast of the 'quality' of the rule of law and call for disturbances and violations of the decisions of the Knesset and the government."

Deri's conviction in 2022 was the second in his career as a lawmaker. In 1999 he was found guilty of fraud and breach of trust and served twenty-two months in prison from 2000-2002. That conviction kept him out of politics until his return in 2012 when he reassumed leadership of the Shas party.

Despite polls showing close to two-thirds of the Israeli population, including a majority of Likud voters do not believe that Deri should be allowed to control a ministry given his record of malfeasance while helming government ministries, Deri sounded committed to returning to the leadership role. In his statement, he continued to rail against those who accused him, despite his latest conviction resulting from a guilty plea. Under the terms of his plea bargain, Deri resigned from his post in Shas and stated in open court he does not intend to return to political life. Less than one year later he was back.

Deri said, "unlike those who flaunt the "quality" of the rule of law and call for disturbances and violations of the decisions of the Knesset and the government. I can tell my friends in the government and the public that it was clear to the prosecution and it was clear to the previous attorney general, Dr. Avichai Mandelblit, that I have no intention and never had any intention and I did not commit to withdrawing from political life. Things were clear on the table from the beginning of the negotiations to its end. These things were even said by the representative of the High Courts department in the discussion."

Deri then doubled down and claimed that the will of the Shas voters, who knew of his convictions was more important and powerful than the rule of law in Israel. "I have an iron commitment to the 400,000 people who voted for me and Shas. No judicial decision will prevent me from serving and representing them."

"I intend to continue to contribute with all my might to the public and the coalition, I intend to continue to lead the Shas movement, to continue to participate in the meeting of the heads of the coalition factions, and to assist In promoting the important legal moves that this government was elected to promote to strengthen and strengthen governance, and to preserve the Jewish identity of the State of Israel, to help the weaker sections and get them out of the cycle of poverty, as I stated at the time when the plea agreement was approved. Thank you very much."


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