Minister Ben Gvir and Israel Police are at odds over threat assessments (@IsraelPolice)

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir was interviewed Monday morning by Israe’s Channel 2 News, and harshly criticized the pilots' protest against the reform of the justice system. "I remember that during the disengagement period [referring to the Gaza withdrawal] they attacked individuals for refusing an order, and arrested people who reported as such," he noted.

He also added that "they are not heroes, they can protest and shout but not refuse an order. There will not be one law for left-wing people and another for right-wing people. Some of the protesters attack policemen and throw police barriers. Throw police barriers at the policeman who threw the stun grenade in return."

He blamed some of the protesters and even claimed that he has intelligence that indicates that "[a]mong the protesters, there are those who are planning the next political murder. There are anarchists from the left who crossed the red line a long time ago. Some of them say it out loud, Ben Gvir, and Sara Netanyahu should be killed. Most of the protesters, however, are good and valuable people."

While Ben Gvir could have made his claim about assassination via other intelligence reports, An anonymous Israeli police response said: "We do not have any intelligence or other information according to which protesters are planning to assassinate a prime minister, a minister or a member of the Knesset, neither from among the protest elements nor from those who are allegedly instigating. We personally have no idea where the minister got the details and in any case - They did not come from us, nor are they in the opinion of the police." 

Afterward, the minister responded to the words: "I am amazed at the briefings of unknown parties in the police, who deny the serious intelligence warnings that are placed on our desks every day and are also reflected in the increased security for specific public representatives. All politicization must be removed from the work of the professional police, we have seen what this causes in the Air Force."

Benny Gantz attacked Ben Gvir in response: "I call on Netanyahu to fire Ben Gvir before it is too late. He who engaged in terrorism in the past instead of enlisting delegitimizes the patriotic demonstrators. Ben Gvir and the instigators are the fuel of the reservist's refusals ." Ben Gvir did not serve in the Israel Defense Forces. In his youth, the Minister of National Security famously tore off the Cadillac hood ornament from then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's car, telling an Israeli news reporter that if he could get close enough to pull off the ornament, he could get close enough to Rabin himself. Not long after that incident, Rabin was murdered by an extremist who shared similar views to Ben Gvir.

Opposition leader, Yair Lapid, added that "first the TikTok clown looks at screens and gives instructions, this morning he already started inventing ‘intelligence materials that do not exist. It's not only ridiculous, it's also dangerous.”

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