Illustration: Joe Biden Submitting To Iran

In recent years the Israeli government has been investing heavily in the newly found natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean. Gas fields throughout Israel’s maritime borders were developed and the precious resource is already being pumped into many of the refinery plants that the Jewish State has created. Israeli authorities have shown the will to help some of their friendlier neighbors, Egypt for example, is producing natural gas with Israel's help and is a part of a major trading deal with the European Union in which Israel extracts the gas and Egypt converts it into liquid form (LNG).

In theory, the Israeli government should have the full support of western nations in this massive project, which is the case in the EU which is in dire need of a new stable energy source outside of Russia. However, the Biden Administration is not feeling the same and that position is all based on their ongoing Iranian negotiations.

Hezbollah, the Iranian-funded terrorist organization in Lebanon has been causing a stir in recent weeks with radical threats of war against Israel over a small gas farm named Karish located just south of the maritime border with Lebanon. Hassan Nasrallah, the group’s leader, has made baseless claims of Israel crossing Lebanon's maritime waters to build the Karish natural gas project. Nasrallah went as far as saying if Israel begins pumping gas on September 1st as expected in Karish, it will be legitimate to declare war against Israel.

September 1st passed by with no such declaration or attempt to begin a military operation, however, the US has been deathly quiet on the threats, and for a reason. The Biden administration, similar to the Obama Administration, is trying to respect and recognize Iranian “assets” within the region, and as far as everyone is concerned Hezbollah is one of them.

According to Iranian-funded Hezbollah, the Karish gas field is in Lebanese territory and therefore theirs to take and utilize. While international agencies do not recognize this claim, the Biden administration asked Israel to work out a compromise, seemingly conceding territory that no one, other than Hezbollah, disputes as being Israeli territory. Based on their efforts to respect Iranian assets globally, the American government is not only forced to stay mum on the worrisome threats but even encourages investors to look into Southern Lebanese gas fields.

For Biden and his large administration, if they can prove to Iran that they are willing to help a Hezbollah-Run-Lebanon, the Iranian nuclear deal can be finalized. Essentially the de-facto agenda is to undermine Israeli security and empower Iran in Lebanon to achieve their greater foreign policy vision. Many believe that President Biden is eager, at any cost, to preserve a key element of the Barack Obama administration for which he served as Vice President.

The White House is not releasing any statement mentioning the empowerment of a terrorist organization but instead has been boasting about helping Lebanon rebuild its fragile economy. What goes unnoticed in the biased, American mainstream press is that it was Hezbollah in the first place which destabilized Lebanon politically, but it ruined a country that once had a healthy tourist industry financially as well. The Biden Administration should know, like all western allies, that Lebanon is ripe with corruption and essentially all investments entering the state go through the hands of Hezbollah with a portion of each funding their terrorist activities, some of those resulting in the deaths of American soldiers and citizens.

As Obama’s White House had done in 2015, Biden is undermining America's most loyal and arguably strongest ally in the region. Whether the motives are to solidify some legacy policy that they believe will lead to peace in the region, or as a hail-mary pass to accomplish those ends, the result is the same, appeasing the Iranian state and its fiscal interests at the cost of a tried and true friend.

Israel and its competent military remain undeterred by Iranian threats via Hezbollah. However, a time will come when US foreign policy and appeasement of terrorist-run-states will become so unbearable, that credibility as a peacemaker will be lost for good if it has not been already.

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