President Biden is throwing away America's diplomatic book

The US government along with President Biden has proven once more that their role in world policing is extremely counter-productive not only for Israel and the entire globe but for the American people.  The administration of Joseph Biden has baffled many around the world for its counter-American policies, from hastily abandoning Afghanistan and leaving the Taliban to not only taking over once again but giving them close to $80 billion in military equipment, to throwing out a longstanding U.S. policy by literally negotiating with terrorists.

The Iranian newspaper “Nur” reported Sunday on the ongoing negotiations between the U.S. and Iran regarding the nuclear deal. According to the Farsi written newspaper, the release of dozens of Iranian terrorists sitting in western prisons is imminent, along with unfreezing billions of dollars in Iranian assets throughout the world. 

The ethos of American diplomacy that has relied on refusing to even talk to terrorists, let alone entertaining a deal, has never been so disregarded by a sitting administration as it is today. The idea that the United States has to negotiate in the name of the entire world, and those actually directly under the Iranian threat is so flawed that it wreaks of globalism. The fact the U.S. is relying on Russia to be 'fair' arbiters while Vladimir Putin is threatening nuclear war is simply insane.

It is not just the Middle East that will suffer from the current cards on the Iran deal negotiation table, but American security. Iran, through its terrorist-funded organization Hezbollah, has been purchasing thousands of acres in the Americas, Venezuela specifically. Hezbollah has been using the farmland purchased in Venezuela for military training, along with taking part in the narcotics market as a means for extra “pocket money”. These activities in Central America are well documented and known to the government in Washington; begging the question of why would they allow any and all of it?

It all goes back to one word that is at the heart of the globalist movement, appeasement. The Obama and Biden administrations, along with Trump’s in some cases, have gotten used to handing out gifts in return for compliance. In theory, appeasement sounds like a decent way of getting certain diplomatic policies executed, in this case, the Iran nuclear deal. What is often forgotten while thinking of appeasement as a solution is that an ideology of a certain regime is far stronger.  At the very core of the Iranian regime lies an extremist philosophy that truly believes the West in its entirety is filled with 'infidels' and 'sinners' who are actively working to destroy the path of God.  The word “Jihad,” often brought up when speaking of terrorists like Hezbollah and actually in the name of other groups supported by Iran like the “world Jihad”, literally translates into a holy war in the name of Allah.

It is something hard to grasp in largely secular Modern-day America, for better and worse, but Iran’s regime along with all its proxies are acting in the name of their God. All their acts of terrorism and aggression on numerous diplomatic occasions are ultimately what they deem as unnegotiable orders from above, no amount of money will change that. Surely, it must be noted that Islam in its entirety is a peaceful religion. However, Iran is run by Islam’s most extreme followers who according to most believers, misinterpret the guidance of God, and even bastardize the words in the Quran.

Perhaps the reason for current American diplomacy lies in religion as well. Violent extremism in the Judeo-Christian world is largely extinct. The Crusades were a historically recent example of what Christian extremism looks like, while the bible is riddled with examples of it in Judaism. Perhaps, a non-negotiable never-ending war in the name of God is what earlier presidents believed in, but today, progressivism and globalism have become the new Gods of America. 

What ends up happening on the diplomatic level is a chain of events that almost certainly ends in disaster for western countries. American negotiators turn a blind eye to nefarious activities done by bad actors they are so desperate to have a detent with. Meanwhile, the bad actors sign any agreement handed to them while still remaining loyal to their narrative of what God desires, and then proceed to grow their global network designed to destroy all who stand in the way. There is a reason not negotiating with terrorists is so important; they never actually see it as negotiations. Just like the Crusaders, Joshua, and even Moses, Iran and its vast network have already signed a deal with God that is never to be broken for the wrath of God is by far bigger than any sanction or occasional drone strike.

What Can America and the world do instead to counter extremism? For starters not lift sanctions and allow the growth of their network. Supporting the majority of the rational peaceful Iranian population fighting the regime, through global awareness campaigns and funding would also be helpful. Lastly, education! Education has the power to corrupt or reform society for better or worse, history books can attest to that. Give the majority of Islamists who seek peace and do not believe in violence the attention they deserve to thrive and educate the next generation.

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