Trucks flowing from Jordan into Israel with exports

The peace between Jordan and Israel is a farce. The agreement that Prime Minister Rabin signed with King Hussein on October 26, 1994, was meant to usher in a new normal where cooperation between the two nations would flourish. Instead, Jordan continues to vote against Israel in almost every sham United Nations vote, bashes Israel for defending itself whenever missiles from Gaza fly, and in one of the most egregious examples of how there really is no peace, allowed a Jordanian-born terrorist who proudly helped kill 15 civilians, including 8 children and injure 130 Israelis, rise to fame in their country.

One hot summer day in August of 2001, a Jordanian woman named Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi drove a Palestinian man of Egyptian descent from his home in the Samaria-based Arab town of Tulkarem to Jerusalem. Tamimi understood what she was doing in taking Izz al-Din Shuheil al-Masri across the border. In interviews and speeches, she has given since she takes pride in what they accomplished that fateful day.

Tamimi dropped Al-Masri off near the corner of King George and Yaffo streets in the heart of Jerusalem and drove away. Minutes later, the sound of a massive explosion could be heard as Al-Masri walked into the popular Sbarro’s Pizzeria restaurant and detonated the explosive vest he was wearing killing himself along with 15 others. The way Tamimi tells the tale only reinforces the depravity of her mind. As the death toll got higher, she became happier; when she heard eight children were among the dead she smiled; when she heard a pregnant American woman was among the dead, she became elated. The only regret she had about that day is not killing more ‘Yehud’, the Arabic word for Jews.

Tamimi was arrested, tried, and sentenced to sixteen life sentences by an Israeli court. However, in a lopsided deal that was met with much criticism, Tamimi was released in 2011 as part of the exchange with Hamas for the captured soldier, Gilad Shalit. From prison, Tamimi went home to Jordan where she was met with a hero’s welcome and proceeded to go on a celebrity tour of Arab states where she proudly recalled her role in one of the most devastating attacks on Israeli civilians.

In 2013, the United States filed an extradition request with Jordan for Tamimi for acts of terrorism against American citizens. Among the dead were two Americans, 15-year-old Malka Roth, a pregnant 31-year-old Shoshanna Greenbaum. There were also many Americans injured including Chana Nachenberg who to this day is in a permanent vegetative state. Despite having an agreement in place and receiving billions of dollars a year from America, Jordan has refused to comply with the request. Jordan’s brash defiance led to President Donald Trump issuing a five-million-dollar bounty on Tamimi.

Meanwhile, Tamimi lives like a celebrity in Jordan. She has her own television show about Palestinian prisoners in Israel called Nasim Al-Ahrar (Wind of the Free) on the Hamas network Al-Quds TV which broadcasts on Satellite television.

Jordan enjoys economic prosperity from Israel. The peace deal signed by Yitzhak Rabin literally saved the country from financial ruin (if you are a BDS supporter be careful of the delightfully sweet and coveted Medjool Dates that have a Jordanian logo on them). Jordan’s own Arab neighbors, Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia at different times have tried to take down the Kingdom and prior to the 1994 peace deal the nation was unstable economically and politically. The fact is, the Hashemite Kingdom knows they have a serious problem with legitimacy in the country they rule and as a result, often kowtow to anti-Israel elements within their borders.

Created in 1921 on over 70% of what was British Mandatory Palestine, Transjordan was handed by the British Empire to the historical rulers of Arabia, the Hashemites who eventually declared independence in 1946. The indigenous people of Jordan, mostly Bedouin tribes make up most of the population and are ruled by a minority that many consider a foreign entity so the realm treads lightly – and resorts to ruling with a heavy hand when things seem like they are about to spiral out of control.

The fact that more than half the people in the country they control are descendants of Palestinian Arabs, some of whom fled Israel when the Arab League waged war on the Jewish State and others who were the original inhabitants of the land Jordan occupies, is a constant concern for the Hashemite Court. This fact has led to Jordan blasting Israel for defending itself whenever Hamas chooses to launch rockets across the country; or criticizing Israel for quelling riots on the Temple Mount in which Muslims toss rocks down on Jews worshipping at the Western Wall.

Jordan enjoys the prosperity that Israel offers it but gives little in return. Arab militants are increasing attacks against Israelis in Judea and Samaria using weapons that flow across the Jordanian border. Militants are given refuge in Jordan after attacking Israeli civilians and some, like Tamimi are treated as national heroes. Perhaps the most egregious effort to undermine the Jewish State Jordan has undertaken was the systematic effort to ‘cleanse’ the Jewish presence from Jerusalem between 1948 and 1967 when they occupied the land.

From the destruction of dozens of synagogues and turning others into dung storage to using the Western Wall as a garbage dump, the Jordanians tried to eliminate the Jewish history in the old city. On the Mount of Olives, the oldest active cemetery in existence with some remains dating back to the time of King David, Jordan built apartment buildings and parks meant to cover up any sign that the land was once inhabited by the Israelites. The Palestinian narrative that Israel was not on this land is a product of Jordanian efforts, and the fallacy that there was a nation of Palestine was in part a Jordanian strategy to complicate Israel’s efforts to survive.

In April, 87 of the 130-member Jordanian Parliament voted to sever ties with Israel and repeal the peace agreement because Israel stopped a riot on the Temple Mount, Israel should encourage King Abdullah to follow the will of his subjects. Israel does not need friends like Jordan. The economic deals are not worth the efforts that the Hashemite Court regularly takes to delegitimize Israel. If anything, Israel should let the country fend for itself and let fate determine what becomes of the once mighty and respected Hashemite Dynasty.   

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