Mondoweiss called an attack that killed 2 children and 'operation'

On Friday, February 10th, Hussien Karaqe, a resident of the Isawiyah village of East Jerusalem, purposefully ran into a busy bus stop and killed 3 young Israeli males, two of them brothers under the age of 10. The full-on propaganda machine Mondoweiss, which has been quoted by the New York Times on several occasions, confirmed it is a publication that supports terror by referring to the attack as the “Jerusalem Operation”. However, the article which focused more on the shooting of the terrorist by the police rather than the gruesome killing of 3 visibly Orthodox Jews, Mondoweiss does a complete disservice to the Palestinian people by defining such a crime, as an “operation”. 

For starters, it should be noted that the accused terrorist, Hussein Karaqe, has been defined by his family as mentally ill, therefore incapable of taking part in such a sophisticated thing as a military operation. A family relative was quoted telling reporters that "Hussein is sick, he was being treated with medication and was recently hospitalized in the Ichilov hospital." 

It is also worth mentioning that Mondoweiss’s definition of the terrorist attack, “operation”, legitimizes the attack as acceptable and is the same one given by terrorist organizations like Hamas and The Palestinian Jihad. The spokesman for the Islamic Jihad movement, Tarek Azaldin, said that "the heroic Jerusalem operation confirms once again that our people continue their resistance to the occupation until it is displaced from our land. Jerusalem will remain a symbol of firm resistance." Was it Mondoweiss’s intention to align themselves with an organization that calls for war against 'infidels' and 'Yehud' (Jews) in the name of Muhammad and Islam? In any case, the optics of it all are simply awful. 

However, after internalizing the similarity in the language used by the “liberal” Mondoweiss and The Islamic Jihad, a separate more complex issue can be observed; the way they have been undermining the intellect of the Palestinian people and their nationalistic movements. By calling such a petty, reckless act of terror like running over children an operation, Mondoweiss delivers to its readers a sense of incompetence on behalf of the Palestinian nationalists. 

Does Mondoweiss really think that ramming a car repeatedly into a bus station was a well-thought-through military “operation”? Because if that is the case, it is a gross miscalculation of what Palestinian terrorists are capable of. It should be clear to any individual reading Mondoweiss’s article that the only reason the editors chose the word “operation” was to avoid the terrifying proper English word for such an act, “terrorism”. This completely unjust article raises concerning issues regarding the integrity of Mondoweiss, and their inability to report on factual events in a proper manner such as the cold-blooded murder of 3 unarmed pedestrians.

Naturally, Mondoweiss had to add in their article a long list of unrelated and thoroughly planned Israel Defense Forces missions against armed militants where the Palestinian side suffered casualties during a firefight, to justify the “operation” of a sickly man who ran into a bus stop. Among the unrelated military-planned operations mentioned was the Aqbat Jabr operation, in which 5 armed Hamas militants who tried to shoot up a restaurant nearby were killed by IDF forces when they opened fire as the IDF came to arrest them. 

It would be interesting to contemplate whether the editors of Mondoweiss actually believe that killing armed men in battle is the same or directly correlated to killing random children on their way to a family event; I would like to think not, and that they were simply appealing to their large list of terror-funding donors. 

Whatever may or may not have been going through the disturbed minds of Mondoweiss editors when they decided to publish such an article as a 6-year-old was being buried, may never be known. Nonetheless, what is known to all with a decent sense of judgment, is that they are on the wrong side of a bloody, unforgiving argument.

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