Yehuda Glick on the Temple Mount (Photo: Al Qastal - Telegram)

Former Knesset member and Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick stunned his supporters when he announced that he was closing his Twitter account due to what he called: "the hatred spread on the virtual platform". "No More," Glick wrote in his last post on Twitter.

"May my heart reward me for this decision. Bye-bye, Twitter." Glick further justified the decision by adding: "I'm tired of being a masochist. I can no longer tolerate the repulsive hatred that fills the tweets of this network and the waste of time that comes with." Glick chose a symbolic timing, just before the Jewish fast marking the siege of Jerusalem which ended in the destruction of the Temple: "The 17th of Tammuz is an excellent time to say goodbye. Soon this account will be closed. Some of you have been very kind to me and I thank you for that."

Due to his ongoing activism for the ‘liberation’ of the Temple Mount, despite the attempted assassination against him a number of years ago, last Wednesday, former MK Yehuda Glick appeared for the opening of another trial against him, in which he stood trial due to “slow-walking” on the Temple Mount and other points which can generally be summed up by the fact that Glick did not understand his place on the Mount and behaved as a free citizen. The police made it clear in the initial and technical hearing that they intend to demand an actual prison sentence for Glick, to teach a lesson to others.

Glick claims he no longer counts the number of times he was required to appear in court because of matters related to the Temple Mount. In the document submitted to the court, Glick is accused of sensational clauses. For example, "at various times, the accused arrived at the Temple Mount area when he wanted to patrol and walk around the place alone, and this is against the police policy in the place, and in a way that interferes with the policemen fulfilling their duties there."

Back in October 2019, Glick was accused of a similar crime. "The accused decided to leave the Temple Mount alone and without an escort, however, Inspector Boaz Sharaf asked him to wait until he organized a team to accompany him, and this was for operational reasons. But the accused did not listen to the policeman, and began to leave the place alone in violation of the policeman’s orders."

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