IDF troops protect worshipers at Joseph's Tomb

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that one person was killed and two were seriously injured in clashes with the Israel Defense Forces overnight between Wednesday and Thursday in Nablus near the Jewish shrine of Joseph's Tomb.

Palestinian militants threw stones, Molotov cocktails, and explosives at the IDF forces that were securing the shrine and the worshipers within Joseph's Tomb. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 19-year-old armed Badr al-Masri died during the clashes.

The Al-Quds Brigades of the Islamic Jihad in Nablus took responsibility for throwing an explosive device at an IDF military vehicle: "The explosive device was used against the occupation army on Amman Street and hit it directly," the organization's statement said. The Nablus Brigade of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades also declared their complicity in the clashes with the IDF: "Our operatives are involved in armed and violent clashes with the forces of the Zionist enemy on Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Street in the city."

The clashes to protect the entrance to Joseph’s Tomb come as thousands of Jewish worshippers entered the tomb in Samaria Wednesday night as part of the 9 days of mourning that come before the “Tisha B'Av” fast. The large gathering, which is the largest to take place in recent months, is part of the monthly visits approved by the Samaria Regional Council and secured by IDF soldiers and with the assistance of volunteers from the Administration of Joseph's Tomb and the Holy Places of the Samaria Regional Council.

Among those entering the tomb were Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai, head of the Samaria Council Yossi Dagan, Chief Rabbi of Samaria Rabbi Eliakim Levanon, Chief of Staff of the Minister of Internal Security Hanmal Dorfman, IDF Commander of the Samaria District, Superintendent Uzi Levy, Commander of the Shomron Fire and Rescue Station, Lt. Tafsar Avishi Shapir, Rabbi Mordechai Gross, Shomron Brigade Col. Shimon Siso, and Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Brigadier General Avi Blot.

The Rabbi of Samaria, Rabbi Eliakim Levanon, read a prayer at the place together with the Police Commissioner and the head of the Samaria Council for Peace and Well-being of Israel Police officers, IDF soldiers and members of the security forces, and all those present excitedly called Amen. Rabbi Lebanon said after the prayer: "Today we need to unite all the factions in the people of Israel, to uproot the hatred and to feel that we are one and our name is one and Israel is one nation in this land."

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