Israeli forces had a productive morning in Judea & Samaria (Source: IDF video)

In an extensive, multi-agency security operation, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), alongside the Shin Bet internal security agency and the Border Police, apprehended a senior operative from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist organization. The arrest is part of a broader campaign that led to the detention of 17 additional suspects connected to terror activities in various Judea & Samaria (West Bank) localities, including the Jalazone refugee camp and the city of Ramallah.

During the arrest operations, Israeli forces faced considerable resistance, encountering a barrage of rocks and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinian rioters. Quick to respond, the security forces successfully dispersed the crowd using non-lethal riot control measures. Furthermore, this meticulous operation also yielded a cache of military equipment and ammunition, thus thwarting further terror activities in the region.

Simultaneously, in the village of Nahalin near Bethlehem, a targeted operation led to the arrest of six individuals implicated in orchestrating and executing a terror campaign. The security forces also seized significant military hardware and four vehicles, further crippling the terror network's operational capabilities.

Additionally, in the Dheisheh refugee camp, a Border Police officer was lightly injured during the mission. She was immediately rushed to a local medical facility for appropriate care. Three more suspects were also captured in this segment of the operation.

The security forces widened their scope to include villages like al-Dawha, Asakra, Baytin, Bardala, Al-Bireh, and Turmus Ayya, arresting seven more wanted individuals. All the detained suspects, as well as the confiscated arms and military equipment, were transferred to Israeli security agencies for further examination and due legal process.

This sweeping operation comes amid a heightened surge in violent attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces. Yesterday (Wednesday), for instance, a 17-year-old Palestinian assailant carried out a stabbing attack near Jaffa Gate, one of the main entrances to Jerusalem's Old City. After alighting from a bus, the teenager moderately wounded a 56-year-old man and lightly injured a 17-year-old boy before being apprehended following a brief chase.

The 56-year-old victim was immediately rushed to Jerusalem's Hadassah Medical Center, where he is reported to be in stable condition after suffering stab wounds to his face, neck, and hand. Meanwhile, the 17-year-old boy was also hospitalized with a stab wound to his stomach.

Jaffa Gate, which leads to the Old City—an area holding immense significance to both Israelis and Palestinians—was the chosen location for this latest attack. The Old City is often cited as the emotional fulcrum of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has been a recurring flashpoint for violence. Israel captured east Jerusalem during the 1967 Mideast war, later annexing it—a move largely unacknowledged by the international community. The Palestinians envision east Jerusalem as the capital of their future state, comprising the West Bank and Gaza Strip, territories Israel also seized in 1967.

These recent events unfold within a context of escalating tensions and violence, marking one of the worst periods in the West Bank and east Jerusalem over the past two decades. This year alone, over 180 Palestinians have been killed. While Israel attributes most of these deaths to militants, the toll also includes stone-throwing youths and others not directly implicated in armed confrontations. Concurrently, Palestinian attacks against Israelis have led to more than 30 fatalities.

As Israel grapples with these complexities, the nation's security forces remain committed to safeguarding its citizens and maintaining the rule of law, even as it navigates the geopolitical intricacies of the region.

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