Screengrab of the video posted by the militants on Telegram (Source: @JeninQassam - Telegram)

Ongoing Tensions in Gilboa: Moshav Ram-On Targeted for the Seventh Time by Terrorists from Jenin - Rocket Attacks Continue Despite Arrest of Key Hamas Operative

For the seventh time in a series of disquieting events for Israelis in the center of the country, terrorists from the Jenin area of northern Samaria launched a rocket towards Moshav Ram-On, located in the Gilboa region. This alarming pattern of attempted rocket attacks remains unabated even after the apprehension of a senior Hamas official who was believed to be behind these actions. Rocket attacks from Judea or Samaria would threaten millions of Israelis. Up until recently, it was Gaza that was the threat and the mostly crude, short range rockets would terrorize the surrounding communities, but mostly fall in open areas. This changes when fired from the center of the country as the open areas are few and far between in Israel's most densly populated region.

The Perpetrators and their Message
The group responsible for the latest rocket attempt calls themselves the "El Ayash Battalion," an offshoot of the Az ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. Demonstrating audacity, they even disseminated footage documenting their failed rocket launch. In a subsequent statement, the division clarified their ambitions, saying, "We work under complex security conditions and in complete secrecy due to the security situation in the West Bank. The path we are on is not easy and requires a lot of work and effort. While we may succeed and fail, we are determined to achieve our ultimate goal."

IDF Confirms Failed Launch
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) corroborated the incident, stating that "a failed launch of an improvised rocket was carried out a short time ago in the Menashe Brigade area." They further specified that the launcher was positioned in Palestinian-controlled territory near the village of Silat al-Hartiyah.

Local Authorities Call for Increased Security Measures
Oved Nur, the head of the Gilboa Council, weighed in on the troubling situation. "Although the rocket did not land in Israeli territory and most likely exploded within the Palestinian Authority's borders, we offer the IDF our full support," Nur said. He also emphasized that the repeated attacks reveal "a significant and urgent need to reinforce the security and protection measures required for the Gilboa settlements in general and for areas near the security fence in particular." He made an unequivocal demand for the deployment of an Iron Dome anti-missile system in the region.

Recent Arrests Have Not Deterred Attacks
Last week, Israeli security forces arrested Abdullah Sobeh, a senior Hamas official from Burkin, who was implicated in these frequent rocket attacks. Sobeh, long on the IDF's radar, is a key figure orchestrating terrorist activities across the Jenin area and northern Samaria. His arrest, however, has evidently not dampened the motivation of those committed to attacking Israel. Sobeh is also accused of orchestrating a car bombing near the Dotan entrance and funneling funds to other operatives in terrorist networks.

Escalating Violence in Gilboa
Local communities are not just under threat from rocket fire; live gunfire has also become a perilous issue. Just last Thursday, shots were fired at a group of young girls in Kibbutz Merav. Miraculously, no one was hurt. A kibbutz spokesperson described the incident as "a much more massive shooting than any we've witnessed in the past few months. The gunfire lasted for 20 seconds before ceasing."

Despite these incidents, the attacks are often described as impromptu, their rockets crudely made, often constructed with a cardboard head and minimal explosive material. While their physical impact has been limited thus far, the psychological toll on the residents of Gilboa is palpable.

As the tension in the region shows no signs of waning, both local and national authorities must address the security vulnerabilities in Gilboa. Continued incidents of this nature call for increased security measures to protect Israeli citizens and prevent any further harm. Whether through the deployment of an Iron Dome system or through proactive initiatives within Palestinian territories, action must be taken to quell this disturbing wave of violence.

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