The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, have commenced a live-fire military exercise within the Gaza Strip, featuring rocket barrages aimed at the sea. Resounding explosions reverberate across the northern region of the Gaza Strip, prompting Israeli residents in the vicinity of the area to receive prior notification, classifying the event as a training exercise.

The announcement from the Al-Quds Brigades reads, "We are presently engaged in a sophisticated offensive maneuver at one of our facilities, employing live ammunition and involving elite forces. This comprehensive maneuver incorporates missiles, artillery, armored units, and intelligence operations, simulating incursions into various Zionist military sites and fortified positions, employing substantial firepower."

An IDF spokesperson has reported that "a recent alert was triggered within the Home Front Command application, specifically in an open area in the northern vicinity surrounding Gaza. This alert was in response to launches originating from the Gaza Strip, aimed towards the sea, without breaching the territory of the State of Israel."

This development follows announcements from Gaza officials about the resumption of protests on the Gaza Strip's border in reaction to the ascension of 748 Jews to the Temple Mount. The "Rebellious Youth" organization, which spearheaded last week's protests, has decried the Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount as "violations of agreements pertaining to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem."

Notably, despite the ongoing protests, Israel made the decision last week to reopen its crossings for the entry of laborers from the Gaza Strip. This decision came in the wake of protests along the border and the launch of incendiary balloons. Behind this decision lies negotiations between Israel and Hamas, with mediation by Qatar and Egypt. Hamas has maintained that it did not actively encourage the protests but tacitly supported them. Mohammed Al-Emadi, the Qatari envoy to the Gaza Strip, confirmed his role in the talks, highlighting that they were pivotal in reopening the crossings. "The situation in the Gaza Strip is dire, and further conflict will only exacerbate the humanitarian crisis," he emphasized.

An official source within Gaza, privy to the negotiation details, revealed that Israel has pledged various concessions to Hamas. These include an increase in entry permits for laborers from Gaza, an expansion of the fishing zone off the coast of the Gaza Strip, and the facilitation of increased imports and exports. On the Israeli side, it was emphasized that these economic measures would only be implemented in exchange for an end to border violence. The "Rebellious Youth" organization, affiliated with Hamas and Jihad and responsible for the border protests, did announce a cessation of its activities. However, they underscored that "any reduction in Qatari assistance will prompt us to take action against the occupier."

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