In a coordinated effort on Monday night, soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Shin Bet, and Police Border Patrol units successfully apprehended 12 suspected terrorists in various Arab villages across the region of Judea and Samaria.

The intensive operation led to the detention of four suspects in Nablus and in the villages of Hussan and Tsida. Simultaneously, another group of forces apprehended four individuals in the village of Beit Kahil. During these operations, some suspects resorted to violence, throwing stones at the security forces. In response, the forces employed measured tactics to disperse the demonstrators while ensuring the safety of all involved.

In the Jalazone refugee camp, as well as in the villages of Ein Um Ashrayit and Kfar-Aqab, four more individuals were arrested. These arrests, too, were not without incident, as violent disturbances erupted during the operations. The security forces acted swiftly, implementing appropriate measures to disperse the protests and maintain order.

Additionally, during the course of the night, IDF forces identified a terrorist near the village of El Power who had thrown a Molotov cocktail at a military post. The soldiers at the post reacted swiftly by firing warning shots into the air and subsequently targeting the assailant, confirming a hit.

Furthermore, the IDF reported a "violent confrontation" between Israeli and Palestinian civilians on the outskirts of the village of Jalud, located in the Binyamin Brigade area. During this incident, fireworks were launched at the Palestinians, and stones were thrown from both sides. IDF forces arriving at the scene acted to disperse the gathering, employing standard procedures for managing protests.

In a separate incident near Route 60 in the Etzion Brigade's jurisdiction, an IDF force identified a terrorist who had begun pelting stones and advancing towards a busy road. Swift action by the security forces prevented any harm to passing vehicles, and no casualties were reported. The IDF has since confirmed that the apprehended terrorists have been transferred to the security forces for further investigation, with no reported casualties among the Israeli forces.

These arrests and military operations come at a time when attacks against Israeli security forces and Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria persist. The region has witnessed an alarming rise in shooting attacks, rock-throwing incidents, and Molotov cocktails hurled at Israeli public buses.

The incessant throwing of stones and Molotov cocktails on the roads of Judea and Samaria has regrettably become a recurring occurrence. For many Jewish residents, the fear of encountering such attacks during night drives has sadly become a grim reality. These attacks pose grave threats to the safety and lives of those targeted.

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