As the situation in Gaza continues, tensions have escalated in Samaria, where many Israelis are concerned that local terrorists may join Hamas in the conflict. Yossi Dagan, the head of the Samaria Regional Council, addressed the residents with a reassuring message. He announced that the roads are open and called for support for the families of recruits in Samaria and the youth assisting these families.

In a brief video released to the residents on Saturday evening, he stated, "We have experienced a challenging day, not only for the people of Israel but also here in Samaria. Throughout the day, our council's staff and I have been in contact with the Minister of Defense, the commanding general, the division commander, and various generals. We have been cooperating fully with the leaders of the settlements. I want to assure you that the roads in Samaria are open and secure, including the Huwara road and others. We maintain daily communication with all security forces and settlement leaders."

"I offer my support to all the volunteers who have come to assist, many of whom are from Samaria and have received IDF draft orders. I also extend my support to the youth who are helping disassemble Sukkot and assisting families, especially those of recruits and families with special needs. I appeal to the residents of Samaria with a heartfelt message. We are entering a tense and challenging period, a time of war for all of Israel. We are preparing for difficult days in Samaria, hoping that, with God's help, they will not come."

"At the security level, we also bear a responsibility towards our residents to instill faith, determination, and patience during these trying days. We must follow the instructions, stand together on the home front, which is the front for the victory of the people of Israel. As Jews and believers, we approach this fight with faith, determination, patience, and the knowledge that as Zionist Jews, we will emerge victorious. We hold you in high regard.

Dagan concluded by saying, "We will reach every place that requires attention, addressing bottlenecks in every sector as needed. With God's help and through joint efforts, faith, unity, determination, and patience, the people of Israel will prevail, and the settlement in Samaria will thrive and grow stronger."

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