In these tumultuous times in Israel, a multitude of rumors and conspiracy theories are circulating on social media regarding the circumstances of the terrorists' infiltration into Israel and the premeditated planning of the operation. Some individuals assert that due to the concentration of forces in Judea and Samaria, the vigilance along the Gaza border was insufficient. Conversely, there are residents who contend that the terrorists' infiltration into Israel was meticulously orchestrated and executed with the assistance of collaborators from within Israel, including individuals serving in the security forces.

Maor Bozaglo, a former Israeli soccer player, expressed his bewilderment, stating, "Something here doesn't add up in any way. They didn't breach Israel with spaceships or invisible planes; they used ordinary vehicles, regular motorcycles, and even traveled on foot! They did so without encountering any obstacles, without any helicopters being summoned to the scene. They simply breached a fence and entered and exited. This constitutes a significant lapse and betrayal from someone on the inside. Otherwise, there is no rational explanation for this madness. Time will reveal the truth."

Bozaglo's comments caused a considerable stir, leading to calls on social media for his dismissal from the sports channel where he is employed. A Twitter user named Siegel responded, saying, "When one realizes that Jewish leaders have betrayed the people they were meant to lead, deceived them, and sacrificed them in favor of external leadership ā€“ akin to Golda and Moshe Dayan during the Yom Kippur War ā€“ everything falls into place, including the betrayal from within. It can no longer be concealed."

Another individual chimed in with a conspiracy theory, asserting, "When the political left starts advocating for an emergency government and unity, it raises suspicions and only reinforces the belief that there was internal betrayal and premeditated planning. Only a fool would accept that Hamas operated for hours, causing death and capturing prisoners, without an adequate response. It is evident that the Israeli government has betrayed us, all under the guise of serving the interests of the Biden administration."

Minister of Culture and Sports Miki Zohar addressed these rumors in his statement, saying, "The people of Israel have awoken to one of the darkest mornings in our history. The pain is immense, as is the anger. However, we must not contribute to the dissemination of rumors and conspiracies designed to sow confusion and anxiety, weakening us from within. Despite the adversity, we will see brighter days. Together, we will defeat and vanquish the ruthless enemy, emerging victorious. We have no other option."

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