A downed Russian launched Iranian drone piece (Photo: @StateOfUkraine; Twitter)

From the very beginning of the recent Russian missile and 'Kamikaze' drone usage, the latter of which had been supplied by Iran, the Ukrainians said that they have destroyed dozens of them. According to a report released by the β€œNew York Times”, Ukraine had received assistance in the matter from Israel.

The New York Times wrote that Ukraine asked Israel for defense systems and was refused time and time again. However, a senior Israeli official revealed to the American newspaper that Israel transferred to Ukraine intelligence information about Iranian "suicide" drones, assumingly vulnerabilities and 'blind spots' in the Islamic Republic's creation of death. In addition, he said that a private Israeli company is currently providing Ukraine with satellite images of the positions of the Russian forces. Israeli defense contractors are not allowed to engage with a State without the knowledge of the government.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this week that Ukrainian intelligence believes that Russia ordered 2,400 Shahed-136 "suicide" drones from Iran. Iran denies that it supplied Russia with drones, and the Kremlin has yet to respond to the claims.

Thursday, the Ukrainians accused Russia of using Iranian drones in an attack on the Kyiv region. "Another attack by suicide drones on critical infrastructure facilities," President Zelensky's deputy chief of staff wrote on a Telegram group.  Among other things, Iranian drones were also used in the Russian response attack to the explosion of the bridge connecting Crimea to the mainland, which happened on Monday.

At least 19 were killed in that attack, which Ukraine claims was planned by Russia before the bridge explosion. The Ukrainians said that most of the drones launched have been destroyed. Along with the drones, dozens of cruise missiles were launched at Kiev and other cities in Ukraine.

The British Ministry of Defense's daily update yesterday stated that "these drones are slow and fly at low altitude, allowing a single aircraft to easily intercept them with conventional air systems." Britain noted in its report that Ukraine's military had previously reported Russia had used 86 Iranian drones and 60% of them were destroyed while in the air.

The report emphasized that "there is a real possibility that Russia recorded some success when it attacked with several drones at the same time," a tactic that would overwhelm the defense systems of most countries.

Zelensky said in a statement to the G-7 nations that "the enemy used more than 100 cruise missiles and dozens of drones of various types - including Iranian 'Shahed's'. Every 10 minutes I received a message about the enemy's use of an Iranian Shahed."

Israel maintains relations with both Ukraine and Russia, however, has not been shy of commenting on the ongoing war and issues the Israeli government deemed as unethical.

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