'Doctor', Abdullah Al-Ahmad Abu Al-Tin

Cleared for publication: The Israel Defense Forces held major operations in the Jenin refugee camp Thursday night and Friday morning. It began with an exchange of fire between the Israeli forces and a variety of Palestinian terrorist groups like the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

According to reports, a Hamas operative who was involved in a series of shooting attacks was arrested. By 11:00 AM Israel time, the Palestinians reported that there were 2 dead and 16 wounded. There were no casualties to IDF soldiers that had been reported.

The Palestinians claimed that one of the dead was a doctor at one of the hospitals in Jenin. It was determined later according to video footage and eyewitness accounts, Dr. Abdullah al-Tin was killed by Palestinian gunfire. Despite this fact, the Palestinians tried to milk the sympathy of the international community by ignoring the fact that Al-Tin was in fact, a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a memorial poster for him put out by the group confirmed this fact. The poster showed the good doctor holding two machine guns, with a third strapped around his chest. 

The IDF spokesman informed the reporters in a press release Friday that "the security forces are now operating in the Jenin refugee camp in the area of ​​the Menashe regional division."

In video footage from the battle, Palestinian gunmen are seen hiding behind a Red Crescent ambulance that is moving to provide cover for them, and the fighters are shooting at the forces and retreating behind the ambulance in a stick & move manner. The Palestinian media reported that the IDF shot toward the ambulance however the video did not record return fire from the IDF. The Palestinians also reported that a large explosive device exploded near the IDF forces, although given no forces were injured the reporting of the explosion was likely to boost propaganda efforts.

In the meantime, the security forces acted throughout Thursday night in East Jerusalem with a variety of measures to maintain order and security. 18 suspected terrorists were arrested according to the latest reports According to the police, a riot unfolded in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Violent clashes and stone-throwing between citizens resulted in two injured people being evacuated for medical treatment.

The Jerusalem District police officers and police Border Patrol troops who were operating at the scene arrested 11 suspects for throwing stones, with some of them caught red-handed. In addition, other suspects were arrested in their homes for involvement in the disturbances that took place the day before in the eastern part of the city.

"We are required to pay significant attention to what is happening in East Jerusalem for a determined and uncompromising treatment of disturbances and violence of any kind," said the commander of the Jerusalem district, Superintendent Doron Turgeman.

"The increased operational preparation this coming weekend will continue and we must act with all the tools and means at our disposal to handle in a determined and targeted manner anyone who tries to violate the routine of life in the city and disrupt the order during the Sukkot holiday. Alongside the operational effort in the field, an intelligence and investigative effort will also be focused on closing a circle and arresting additional suspects disrupting order."

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