Video snippet of people walking in the rain on Ben Yehuda St, Jerusalem

This week, Israel will receive a refreshing preview of autumn, as the first rains of the season are set to grace the land. Though the calendar still suggests summer, the weather is taking a different turn, ushering in cooler temperatures and increased humidity. It’s an early start to the rainy season, and while the showers might be light, they signal a significant shift in Israel's diverse climate landscape.

Sunday Forecast: A Cloudy Prelude to Autumn

The week begins with partly cloudy to cloudy skies, accompanied by light local rain and occasional drizzles in northern and central Israel. Although temperatures are expected to remain stable, humidity levels will rise, bringing a touch of autumn crispness to the air. The rains, arriving a bit earlier than usual, are a reminder of Israel's unique climatic conditions shaped by its varied topography.

From the sun-baked expanses of the Negev desert to the lush Upper Galilee, Israel boasts two distinct seasons: a cool, rainy winter (October–April) and a dry, hot summer (May–September). Along the Mediterranean coast, sea breezes help temper the summer heat, making the beaches popular year-round. In contrast, the south sees minimal precipitation—around 1 inch (25 mm) annually in the ʿArava Valley near the Dead Sea—while the north, particularly the Upper Galilee, can receive as much as 44 inches (1,120 mm) per year. Coastal cities, with their moderate 20 inches (508 mm) of rainfall annually, lie somewhere in between, experiencing about 60 rainy days throughout the year.

Monday Forecast: A Gradual Cooldown

Moving into Monday, expect partly cloudy to cloudy skies, with light local rainfall extending from northern Israel down to the northern Negev. Temperatures will drop slightly, dipping below the seasonal average. The coastal region, lowlands, northern valleys, and areas north of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) will experience moderate heat, while the Negev, Tiberias, and southern coastline will see temperatures ranging from moderate to heavy heat. In the Arava, Eilat, and the Jordan Valley stretching from Tiberias to the Dead Sea, the heat will be more intense, tipping into the heavy to extreme category.

Tuesday Forecast: Persistent Showers and Stable Temperatures

Tuesday will bring partly cloudy conditions, with temperatures holding steady, remaining just below the seasonal norm. Light rain will continue, particularly in northern Israel and along the coast, tapering off by the afternoon. Heat levels will vary across the country, with moderate conditions expected in the coastal region, Negev, northern valleys, Kinneret basin, northern Jordan Valley, and the southern Golan Heights. Meanwhile, the Arava and areas along the Syrian-African rift will grapple with heavier heat, pushing the boundaries of comfort.

Wednesday Forecast: A Clear Outlook

By Wednesday, the skies will clear up, turning partly cloudy at most, and temperatures will continue their slight downward trend, staying just below the average for this time of year. Moderate heat will prevail across the coastal region, Negev, and lowlands, while the northern valleys, the area from the Kinneret northwards in the Jordan Valley, the southern Golan Heights, and the southern coastline will feel moderate to heavy heat. Eilat and the Arava will once again contend with heavier conditions, though not as extreme as earlier in the week.

Israel's Diverse Climate in Focus

Israel’s weather patterns are as varied as its landscapes. The coastal areas adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea enjoy milder temperatures, ranging from about 84 °F (29 °C) in August to about 61 °F (16 °C) in January, with higher humidity levels, especially during the winter months. Higher elevations, like the Upper Galilee, are known for their cooler nights, even in summer, and occasional snow in the winter. In stark contrast, the southern city of Eilat, near the Red Sea, mirrors the arid conditions of the Jordan Valley and the Negev, with blistering summer temperatures that can soar to 114 °F (46 °C).

This week’s weather highlights the incredible diversity of Israel's climate, offering a cool, refreshing interlude in what is traditionally a dry, hot season. As the first rains of the year tap on the windows, Israelis can enjoy a brief respite from the summer heat and look forward to the full embrace of autumn.

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