Al Jazeera often praises militants who commit terror attacks against Israel

A group of Israeli social media influencers has sent a letter to the Minister of Communications, Dr. Shlomo Karai, calling for the Al-Jazeera Israeli branch to be closed due to constant incitement against the sovereignty of Israel.

The petition reads: "We, the members of the Forum of Network Influencers Against Incitement in the Arab Media, take part every day in a large-scale awareness campaign on social networks, against the industry of lies, distortions, conspiracies, and wild incitement, against the Jewish people and the State of Israel, and share between us close to a million followers on Arabic social networks."

"Some of us are frequently interviewed by hostile channels, and stand firm against the attempts to mislead and incite against the State of Israel, its soldiers, and citizens. We would like to bring to your attention that from our many years of experience, one of the most significant platforms for the spread of antisemitic poisoning is the official Qatari channel Al Jazeera."

Forum members Dr. Mordechai Kidar and Dr. Edi Cohen accused Al Jazeera reporters of aiding terrorism and endangering soldiers' lives during operations while praising terrorist attacks and using the media stage to spread hatred against the State of Israel.

It is further written: "Without hesitation, the reporters of the Qatari channel continuously lie in front of the camera lens while receiving a particularly handsome salary from a foreign country, report half-truths, use the terminology of the Muslim Brotherhood, praise terrorist attacks, provoke provocations against Israel Defense Forces soldiers, use false translations from Hebrew to Arabic, and are complicit in aiding terrorism during military operations. Using live broadcasts and reports on the locations of the forces operating in the field and stirring up what is happening in Israel in order to discredit us in the world."

The authors of the petition also emphasize that "the channel is not satisfied with antisemitic productions of Holocaust denial and conspiracies against Jews, but actively participates in the delegitimization campaign and fights with all its might against the blessed normalization with Arab countries that your government brought to the people of Israel."

Al-Jazeera is still considered a major channel that influences the opinion of hundreds of millions of Arabs in the world. It is currently and by far, the most popular news station in the Muslim world. The reporters enjoy media freedom given to them by Israel and exploit it for the purposes of inciting propaganda and aiding terrorism. And yet, even with unfettered access to the country, the outlet often sensationalizes their news to make Israel seem bad. An example is a headline from Sunday that falsely claims Benjamin Netanyahu 'is Giving The Green Light To Shoot Palestinians' based on the Knesset's plan to expedite gun permits in the wake of two terror attacks over the weekend.

Idan Ronan, an advocacy activist and the initiator of the petition, spoke about the reasons that led to the decision to write the petition: "The incitement in the Arab media crosses all borders and is the main generator of Jewish bloodshed; as was expressed in many of the Arab media stations. The head of the snake is undoubtedly the Qatari station Al Jazeera Both in quality and quantity and the amount of exposure compared to the rest of the Arab media.

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