Jake Tapper & Prime Minister Netanyahu (Photo: @jaketapper - Twitter)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed by CNN’s Jake Tapper late Wednesday night in Israel. Overall the interview was unremarkable in that there were no new revelations and in fact, not much pushback by the seasoned journalist on Netanyahu. 

During the interview, Netanyahu was asked about the attack attributed to Israel in Iran earlier this week, as well as the war in Ukraine. "I never talk about specific operations. Every time there is an explosion in the Middle East, Israel is blamed- sometimes it's us and sometimes not," Netanyahu said in reference to the attack but added that Israel "is taking action against the development of certain weapons."

On the negotiations regarding the nuclear agreement, he said: "If you have rogue regimes that intend to obtain nuclear weapons, you can sign 100 agreements with them and it won't help. I think the only way you can stop or prevent obtaining nuclear weapons is a combination of crippling economic sanctions, but the most important thing is an actual military threat."

Netanyahu then was questioned on the Palestinian issue and explained that in his view, peace with them will only come after the end of the conflict between Israel and the entire Arab world, within the framework of the Abraham Accords. "When the Arab-Israeli conflict comes to an end, I think we will return to the Palestinians and reach a workable peace with them.”

Netanyahu also said in the interview that he was asked in February of last year to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, shortly after the Russian invasion of the Crimean Peninsula. According to him, he refused because he was the chairman of the opposition at the time and not the prime minister. "I have a rule: one prime minister at a time," he said. He did not specify from whom he was asked to mediate, but according to him, the request was not official. He later added that he would consider mediating if the two states and countries asked him to.

Towards the end of what many considered a 'softball' interview by CNN's Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent,  Netanyahu was asked about his new government, which includes figures from Israel’s far-right, an issue that has been concerning the Biden Administration along with some Jewish liberal Jewish communities in the United States. Netanyahu declared he has "both hands on the wheel" and that, “a lot of people say a lot of things when they’re not in power. They sort of temper themselves when they get into power. And that’s certainly the case here.” 

He added and told Tapper: “Look, I’m controlling the government, and I’m responsible for its policies, and the policies are sensible, and responsible, and [will] continue to be that.” There was little pushback by Tapper on any of Netanyahu's responses, as if there was a script being followed and Tapper had no time to deviate from that plan. This led to a very straightforward discussion with not much in terms of new revelations or even meaningful discussions about any of the topics they covered.

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