Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh

Hamas is refusing to call for the stopping of the recruitment of children and the funding of militant groups that have led to an increase in violence and Palestinian deaths in Judea and Samaria.

The Lebanese newspaper "Al-Akhbar" reported early Thursday morning that the terrorist organization, Hamas, rejected the American-led proposal for a cooling period in Judea and Samaria, what they refer to as the 'West Bank'. A Hamas delegation, led by the head of the Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, met with senior Egyptian intelligence officials in Cairo and according to reports emphasized that "we will not be silent about the continued crossing of the red line by the enemy." According to Hamas, Israel's existence and Jewish visits to the Temple Mount are the red lines.

Two days after the Islamic Jihad delegation visited Cairo, a delegation from their competitors in the Gaza Strip, Hamas, also felt compelled to pay a visit to the Egyptian capital in order to show their relevancy. During the meeting, Hamas called on Egypt to "put pressure on Israel to stop the provocations against the Palestinians." According to the details from the Lebanese reports, the Egyptians conveyed to Hamas the international desire for calm relations in Judea and Samaria, and that the American president, Joe Biden, is pressuring the Netanyahu government to avoid further steps that could lead to further escalation and a renewed Arab uprising.

Israel's reaction to the increase of militant activity and attacks against Israelis over the last year has been viewed as heavy-handed. Photographs of 'children' killed by Israeli forces have made an impact around the world, despite the fact that the children were killed while involved in attacks against Israeli security forces. The Palestinians have used the deaths of children as a key part of their propaganda campaign meant to turn opinions against Israel. While the militant groups these children fought for distribute images of the 'martyrs' brandishing weapons and admit they were combatants, the Palestinian Authority has worked hard to frame a different narrative.

Hamas responded to the Egyptian messaging by saying "it is the occupying and extreme government policy that is forcing an escalation on the Palestinian arena", and pointed out that "the Palestinians feel the extent of the threat in light of the enemy's intentions to cross the agreed red lines". Hamas also provided a "review" of the recent operations by the IDF in Jenin, in response to the attack that occurred near a synagogue in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Neve Yaakov, which resulted in n 7 murdered Jews. 

In the meantime, the terrorist organization further pointed its accusing finger at the Netanyahu government, and on its behalf, it was reported that "the movement has determined that it will not be silent about the actions of the two extremist ministers - Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, against the prisoners and against the Palestinians in the West Bank." 

According to agreements with Jordan, non-Muslims including Jews are allowed access to the Temple Mount site, where the Al Aqsa mosque is located, for several hours a day. Hamas wants the entire area, which is the holiest site in Judaism, to be open only to Muslims and is using the recent visit of Ben Gvir to the site as an excuse to increase attacks. Smotrich has not made a visit to the site since the new government came to power. 

The organization warned that the IDF's activity in the Jenin refugee camp will not lead to peace, but to a reaction on the part of the Palestinians. β€œThe American plan is designed to damage resistance in the West Bank and strengthen security coordination with the occupation. In light of Israel's crimes, it is not possible to talk about calming down the situation in the occupied territories," according to the official statement made by the Hamas delegation in Egypt.

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