Palestinians are trying to claim Israelite sites as their own heritage

In an effort to combat the systemic destruction of ancient artifacts in Judea and Samaria by the Palestinian Authority, the Israeli government approved funding for offices that are responsible for the Judea and Samaria ancient heritage sites after they were split from the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage. The office for Judean and Samaria archaeology will carry out all the projects of national heritage, with a large government investment amounting to hundreds of millions of shekels in order to preserve the historic Jewish sites throughout the region.

The government's decision approved the transfer of the archeology portfolio, in order to strengthen countermeasures and prevent the destruction of antiquities in the Judea and Samaria region by the Palestinian Authority. Recently, the PA has been on a deliberate mission to destroy or undermine the Jewish heritage existing in Judea, for the sake of undermining any Israeli claims to the land.

About two weeks ago, it was reported by numerous Israeli sources that South Korean diplomats met with senior officials of the Palestinian Authority and the mayor of Sebastia, as part of a joint venture recently promoted by the Palestinian Authority, with the aim of turning the site where the ancient Israelite Kingdom's castle was located in the village of Sebastia into a Palestinian heritage site

The Ministry of Heritage is also working to formulate a multi-year government plan for saving, preserving, and preventing the destruction of antiquities in Judea and Samaria. The plan will be presented to the steering committee headed by the Director General of the Ministry of Heritage, Nathaniel Isaac, within 60 days and will then be submitted for government approval.

Also, from now on the Antiquities Authority, the Council for the Preservation of Sites, and the Field of Israel's Ethnic Heritage will operate under the Ministry of Heritage’s guidance while remaining independent offices, with the aim of continuing the momentum of infrastructure development of heritage sites all over the country.

The ministry will work to establish a division that will deal with the cultivation of Jewish heritage and its inheritance among all levels of the population while coordinating and cooperating with other government ministries.

The Minister of Heritage, Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu said in his statement: "I thank the Prime Minister and the fellow ministers for approving the decision of bringing significant tools for developing, strengthening and bequeathing the national heritage in the State of Israel.”

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