Video capture of the brutalized body of an alleged Palestinian collaborator

In a viral video that was published on various social media accounts over the weekend, Zoheir Khalil Ghalith, a 23-year-old Arab resident of the Old City of Nablus, can be seen with his face and head covered, and his body thrown to the ground and covered in blood, shortly after he executed by gunmen after admitting to working with the Israel Defense Forces.

Ghalith was suspected of having cooperated with Israeli security agencies and provided incriminating information about operatives and commanders in the "Lion's Den" organization, thus helping Israel to assassinate them. He was accused of being complicit in the assassinations of the organization's founders, Muhammad Elazizi and Aboud Sabah, as well as several other terrorists. Some reports claim that he was also involved in the killing of another major figure within The Lion’s Den, Tamer Al-Kilani, back in October.

In another video that went viral, Ghalith is seen before his death admitting that he had been in contact with Israeli operatives. "I met in Huwara with "Captain Anwar" who told me: I have a mission for you, you have to follow the movements of Shishani [a member of The Lions' Den who was killed], and (then he) gave me a pack of cigarettes. In another case, the officer told me to follow Elazizi and report everything that is in the neighborhood, with whom he goes to see who comes in and out of the house. I did that for two weeks," he said in his voice likely after being brutally tortured by the Nablus-based terrorist squad.

So far, there has been no confirmation from Palestinian officials that his death had occurred, but on the other hand, the new emerging Palestinian terrorist group known as “Erin Al-Aswad” confirmed he was murdered for collaborating with the Israelis and sent a message warning other potential 'collaborators' of the punishment for working with the Israeli security forces. "We are following every traitor who sells his religion, his conscience, his honor, and his homeland, no one will protect you, wherever you are," the group noted.

Nablus residents who are sympathetic to the terror organizations were heard shouting in the streets that are supposed to be policed by the Palestinian Authority following the killing of Ghalith. "He killed half of us for a pack of cigarettes, shame on agent Zoheir Khalil Ghalith who was involved in the assassination of the Erin Al-Aswad commanders. May God curse him and his traitorous ilk, may he go to hell." Residents in Nablus then proceeded to burn a residential building where Ghalith stayed before his death, punishing the residents of the building whether they had a connection to Ghalith or not.

Ghalith's own family, perhaps out of fear or under threat, announced that they disowned their son and that they support the Palestinian resistance. Muhammad Elazizi's mother supported his execution and wrote on Facebook, "Today a traitor was killed, he is certainly not alone and there are other helpers, whose fate will be the same as his. May these traitors end up in the dustbin of history."

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