CCTV capture of Israeli forces arresting a wanted terrorist

Israeli security forces arrested seven wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria Tuesday morning, including a squad of five arrested in the refugee camp in Jenin, who was suspected of planning to carry out a terrorist attack later Tuesday. The terrorist squad was detained for investigation by the Federal security agency known by its acronym 'Shin Bet', while at the same time, there was an exchange of fire between the forces and the militants, some of whom were injured. There were no casualties among the Israel Defense Forces soldiers, who confiscated a lot of combat equipment, including the terrorists' weapons and ammunition.

The soldiers of the commando Magellan unit, along with Border Patrol troops who were undercover completed the arrest operation within an hour. During the operation, suspects rolled burning tires and threw stones at the troops, who responded with measures to disperse demonstrations. Palestinian media reported that one of the detainees was Ahmed Turkman, the son of Maher Turkman who escaped after carrying out, together with his two arrested relatives, the unusual attack in the Jordan Valley in September, in which shots were fired at a bus full of soldiers.

Turkman, a 50-year-old farmer who lived in the Palestinian village of Jiftlik in the heart of the Jordan Valley, fled after the attack, and since then the security forces have been hunting him. He carried out the attack together with two of his relatives, using a vehicle with a yellow Israeli license plate, which he apparently uses for his work in agriculture and is registered in the name of his wife, who holds an Israeli ID. The other two terrorists, who were arrested by the security forces after the attack, are Walid and Muhammad Turkman, residents of Jenin.

Since he fled, according to the Palestinians, Turkman has been walking around armed in the Jenin refugee camp. Before the attack in September, he was known to the enforcement authorities in the Jordan Valley due to his involvement in provocations from time to time in the Valley, especially when it comes to stealing water with his family members. He was arrested about three weeks before the attack when he tried to divert water to his agricultural plantations. As a security official pointed out, he was also involved in the construction of illegal buildings in the Jordan Valley.

The last time the security forces operated in Jenin was about a month ago when an Islamic Jihad terrorist and his bodyguard were killed in a combined operation by the IDF and Border Patrol units.

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