Amb. Friedman (c) with Mort Klein (l) & Gov.DeSantis (Source: @MortonAKlein7 - Twitter)

Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman attacked the Biden administration for not inviting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit  the White House and said that the US is making a “grave mistake.” 

"As long as tensions between the U.S. and Israel continue, there’s potential for the situation to worsen to the point of compromising Israel's security," Friedman told the weekly Kfar Chabad Magazine in an interview published earlier this week. “The weaker Israel's international diplomatic status becomes, the more aggressive its enemies become in their attempts to harm Israel,” he added.

“This can be seen in the West Bank as well as in other areas such as Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon. When enemies see the US distancing itself from Israel, unfortunately, they become emboldened. We should remember that the American government had no problem inviting Naftali Bennett for a visit when he served as prime minister, even though his government wasn’t favored by significant parts of the Israeli public.”

“This is even more troubling against the backdrop of other incidents, such as the style of the current US ambassador to Israel, comparing the murder of innocent Israeli Jews by Palestinian terrorists to the deaths of terrorists in clashes with the IDF. Another incident took place in recent days with the suspension of American support for an academic institution operating in the West Bank," he added, referring to a recent policy change by the US, published by The Judean.

"Another, even more, severe issue, are the connections between the Biden administration and Iranian representatives on upcoming agreements, without the cooperation and information-sharing with Israel. At least not to the extent expected and required. At least that's my impression, although, of course, I don't know about updates and discussions that may take place secretly."

Friedman made it clear that when it comes to the military, Israel-US relations are stable. “There has always been, and still is, a great mutual respect between the two sides, and it seems that at least for now, these connections continue to hold firm,” he said.

Friedman concluded his remarks by attempting to add some positivity to his harsh criticism of the Biden administration’s diplomacy. “Even during President Bush Sr.'s time, there were low points, and there was even a statement saying that if Israel continued building in the settlements, the US would stop aiding Israel.”

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