Governor DeSantis speaking at a JPost conference in Israel in April

US presidential candidate and Florida governor Ron DeSantis slammed the US ambassador to Israel Tom Nides after he attacked the conduct of the Netanyahu government in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

In a tweet, DeSantis wrote: "How disrespectful for the U.S. Ambassador to Israel to falsely claim ‘most Israelis want the United States to be in their business.’ Biden meets with dictators of countries such as Venezuela but snubs the democratically elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This is not how you should treat an ally."

This week Nides said that the Biden administration has some sort of moral obligation to interfere in Israeli domestic policy. He also said in a farewell interview to the Jerusalem Post that the Netanyahu-led government "rushing things through, that ultimately could have huge implications, at least perception-wise, about what makes Israel great.” He later said that the relations between Israel and the Arab countries are "like relatives like family. With that sometimes comes a low price, which is expressed when we think things are going off the rails."

Recently, President Biden was asked during an interview what bothers his administration about Israel, Biden replied that "the government is speeding up things that in the end could have huge consequences, at least from a perceptual point of view, on the things that make Israel great."

Amichai Chikli, an MK for the Likud, claimed that Biden’s statements were in sync with the Israeli opposition. "Every time they want to light the fire, a statement suddenly comes from the direction of President Biden. The statements are scheduled and invited by Lapid, Barak, and their people. They are in friendly and reciprocal relations. There is a certain degree of coordination between the people who surround Biden, Lapid, and Barak. They know each other."

In the shadow of the tensions between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office and the White House, Amos Hochstein, a special envoy of US President Joe Biden, arrived secretly in Israel on Tuesday afternoon and met with Netanyahu and National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegabi. Hochstein, who mediated between Israel and Lebanon to achieve the maritime border agreement, told Netanyahu and Hanegbi about normalization talks with Saudi Arabia days after Biden said in an interview with CNN that "we are very far from there" and called the Israeli government "the most extreme" in his memory since Golda Meir’s time.


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